Three Cup Rule

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With the fir trees being handled now by the carvers, Anh and Hei Lei set about Lord Cao's home at midday the next day for work. Lord Cao greeted them as old friends. "Welcome, welcome!" Lord Cao said, offering them tea and wine and a grand lunch.

Anh accepted the tea, and they went about their news over the next two cups. Lord Cao's third wife was with child. Loom and Colour Streets were now the buzz of the town. There were no foreigners from the far west, but a man from the far south did come upon their village three weeks past.

The third cup of tea was poured and at last Lord Cao advised Anh and Hei Lei of work that they could assist with. The orchards and the beasts were tended well too since their last coming. Now trouble lies on Jade Mountain. "All this rain and mud halts the miners return with the goods." Lord Cao said. "They rely on the winter to mine the mountain in preparation for their summer sales. But it's no use if they can't return home with it in due time."

Anh understood what Lord Cao was getting at. Bring the jade back to the village on dragonback, and save the miners from long journeys in the rain. They worked out a price for the job and Anh nearly choked on his tea when Lord Cao offered triple what it would cost for the Tieze blankets and drapes.

Lord Cao set about writing a message for the miners, and bid Anh rest for the night. He agreed to working for the next fortnight and while it was only a five minute flight for them, the packs would be heavy for Hei Lei, and Anh would be the one to shift them onto his back. It would be tiring work in the rain.

The afternoon rains had begun again, and Anh and Hei Lei didn't hesitate to rush back to the inn. We'll eat in tonight. Anh suggested to the dragon.

I'm craving pig tonight! Hei Lei said licking his lips.

Anh just about drooled at the thought. Pork does sound good. Do you think they will add pepper, though?

Hei Lei belched. I hope not!

Anh opened his satchel and rummaged inside. He withdrew a box that contained the precious pepper, the last of what he had picked with Yara. "Yesss!" Anh cheered. After a warm bath and a intense debate over who would win in a fight between various creatures (Anh took great joy in taunting Hei Lei with a ridiculous scenario between a small dog with a big stick verses a big dog with a small stick) it was time for dinner.

Make sure they don't add chinaberry to my pork! Hei Lei grumbled.

I know, I know! Anh said as he left their room for the inn downstairs.

Or pepper! He heard Hei Lei say as he snaked his way through the inn. He was greeted by the sound of lively music and the smell of roasting meat wafting from the kitchen. The inn was cosy, dimly lit by lanterns and paper dividers. A group of musician were sat in one corner, playing the pipa and guzheng, while a few dancers performed. The clinking sounds of cups and bowls, and the occasional burst of laughter could be heard all around.

A friendly man with a thick beard whom Anh knew worked here greeted him warmly. Anh asked if they had roasted pork to which the man advised they did. He wasn't satisfied that was all Anh may want though and tried to upsell him baiju and ale to which he politely declined.

Anh was about to return to his room when a sense of familiarity washed over him. He looked towards the entrance of the inn and spotted Yara. She was scanning about and held in her hand a fabric wrap.

Anh's stomach knotted upon seeing her. He had spent half the night last night mulling over and over again about what he saw at her house, what she had said about the abuse, how normal she made it out to be. She had asked him to leave and Anh toyed with the thought now of going upstairs and pretending he never saw her. But their eyes met across the inn, and he could not bear the thought of being seen as a coward.

The Fall of Dragon Haven - A Dragonkeeper FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon