Anh's Secrets

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Minh Huyn had once told Anh that he had stopped counting the years after his 130th birthday. Though he was a centurion, he looked much younger - no older than 70, in spite of his blindness. Upon landing on Jade Mountain, however, Anh realized the journey back to The Summer Haven had aged him greatly. He had no intentions to be rude, but he couldn't help but gasp loudly in shock when he saw the old man.

Hei Lei, too, put aside his anger upon seeing him. He is wounded. He said to Anh. I have red cloud herb behind my talons.

Anh immediately climbed down and reversed Hei Lei's talons. Thank goodness you packed this. Hei Lei said to him. Anh smiled glumly at the dragon before running to the Minh Huyn, who's forehead Lao was dabbing with water from a flask.

"What happened?" Anh asked as he unscrewed the jar of red cloud herb.

Minh Huyn groaned in response. His state was dire and he had a dreadful fever. Lao Longzi lifted the old man's hand from his shoulder. In the twilight, Anh hadn't noticed the blood on his shirt.

"Who did this to you?" Lao Longzi whispered. His eyes were glassy as he looked upon the old man who was his last known kin.

Bai Xue made a noise that sounded like a hostile drumming. A dragon hunter.

Bong gasped. Anh clenched his fists. I thought there were only dragon hunters in Wucheng?

Bai Xue shook her head. Wucheng is where they sell. But dragon hunters can be among us – anywhere. Anytime.

Anh shivered. He helped Minh Huyn relieve himself of his shirt, and Lao Longzi applied the red cloud herb to his shoulder. The wound wasn't deep, but it was infected.

Bai Xue recalled the events of what befell them as she steadied herself. We were out collecting herbs south from here when we heard a rustling in the bushes. Before we knew it, a man had jumped out with a crossbow and started shooting at us. Minh Huyn managed to dodge most of the arrows, but one grazed his shoulder.

Anh gritted his teeth. Why did they attack you?

Bai Xue shrugged helplessly. They think the dragons will bring them wealth, so they hunt them. They don't understand that the dragons are part of the balance of nature.

Lao Longzi nodded. Dragon hunters have always been a problem. I fear, however, with the war, that it will get worse.

They will grow more organized, more aggressive. Hei Lei chimed.

Bong looked at Minh Huyn, who was pale and sweating. What can we do for him?

Lao Longzi handed Bong the small flask of red cloud herb. This will help fight the infection. If we keep him warm and dry, and he should recover within a few days.

Bai Xue sighed. We can't let the dragon hunters win.

What happened to the hunter? Anh asked. Were any others hurt?

Bai Xue shook her head. No. Just Minh Huyn. We killed the hunter shortly after he attacked and left his body behind.

The rats can enjoy his flesh. Hei Lei added bitterly.

Minh Huyn groaned as the ointment was rubbed into his wound. Bong and Anh both looked at each other with the same question in mind.

Will they return? Bong asked.

Bai Xue inhaled. The hunter knew we were south and asconded us as we rested. I'd say there is a good chance hunters are more prevalent now. Mingling among us.

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