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It was a sight to behold.

Many times had Anh and Hei Lei arrived in villages and towns, greeted by crowds and cheers. Today, the crowds were larger. So large, Lord Cao advised, many had traveled from across Qin had come to Tinkling Village just to witness the procession. This procession did not belong to the Anh, or Hei Lei, nor the other dragons arriving with their Keepers. Only Minh Huyn stayed back to travel with the unmanned dragons. These crowds had gathered and snaked outside the gates beyond the orchards and through the hills to catch a glimpse of him.

Emperor Gaozu - The Conqueror – rode for Tinkling Village.

As he made for Tinkling Village, anticipation hung heavy in the air. The bustling town had been transformed into a spectacle of vibrant colours and festive decorations. Banners adorned with intricate motifs fluttered in the breeze, signifying the arrival of the conqueror. All were dressed in their finest garments, the Dragon Keepers no exception. The sound of distant drums grew louder, announcing the imminent arrival of Emperor Gaozu. The townspeople craned their necks, eager to catch a glimpse of the man who had risen to power.

All, except Anh who was scanning the faces in the crowds for Yara. She would have seen him arriving on Hei Lei an hour earlier. Each passing minute set his thoughts like wildfire about who she may have told, and further ignited a sense of fear in his heart about his impending confession after.

As the procession drew closer, the excited crowds reached a crescendo. General Xiang Ji, his armour adorned with golden embellishments, led the way through the gates on his magnificent horse. Behind him were the ten soldiers who had proven themselves in battle and would form the marriage alliance from the Chu side. Behind them, a legion of soldiers marched in disciplined formation with banners bearing the imperial crest.

They marched through the town towards Market Street, where Lord Cao waited eagerly. By his right was his household, including his daughters promised to the marriage alliance, and a new arrival; a baby boy by the name of Wang Cao to his second wife. To his left, his councilmen, Danzi, Hei Lei and Jiang, and the Dragon Keepers. Anh kept his distance from Tieze Senior who smirked when he landed Hei Lei. Anh glanced at him from time to time, half expecting Yara to stand by him. She never did.

Finally, amidst the entourage, Emperor Gaozu himself emerged, a golden crown adorning his head, while his robe shimmered with intricate embroidery. Anh momentarily forgot his search for Yara staring at the Emperor. He had piercing gaze, filled with ambition, and surveyed the throngs of people who had gathered to witness his arrival.

I have never seen an Emperor so vulnerable to his surrounds. Danzi mused.

Anh didn't understand what he meant until Jiang chimed in. Most would never ride on horseback.

He was a pig farmer once. Lao added. Perhaps he wants to appeal to his constituents by remaining humble.

Hei Lei snorted. There's nothing humble about being a conqueror.

The Emperor rode through to the town centre, and a hush fell over the crowd. A sense of reverence washed over the crowd. He flicked the reins, and the horse spun to face the crowds behind. It was so silent, a pin drop could be heard.

"How unafraid he is." Anh heard Lord Cao utter beneath his breath.

Emperor Gaozu dismounted from his horse and with measured steps stood before Lord Cao. Lord Cao rose from his chair and bowed.

"Tinkling Village welcomes you – Emperor Gaozu."

Emperor Gaozu regarded Lord Cao for a moment. His face was stern but before long small smile played upon his lips, revealing a hint of satisfaction. Emperor Gaozu cusped Lord Cao's arm. "Heaven smiles favourably upon your town."

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