Death of a Dragon

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It had been a year since Hei Lei banished him, when their lives together shattered into fragments of anger and betrayal. Now, fate had orchestrated their unexpected reunion. Without thinking, Anh rushed down the mountainside, a mixture of anticipation and apprehension swirling within him. The wind whistled through his hair as his Second Sight prickled his skin, the old, useless skill a welcome feeling.

Anh was approaching Hei Lei fast with his Second Sight having returned. As the seconds spent running stretched into an eternity, a great being emerged silhouetted against the setting sun. Anh's heart clenched seeing his old companion. It was a sight that both warmed and chilled Anh's weary heart.

Hei Lei... Anh said softly as he dared enter the clearing where Hei Lei reclined. Their eyes met. Anh could feel a silent storm brewing between them. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes seeing Hei Lei, but he tempered them with caution. He knew all too well the depths of Hei Lei's anger, the scars that Anh had etched on their friendship.

Hei Lei's eyes burned with a cold fire. His black scales shimmered in the fading light, and his voice laced with condescension.

Well. Hei Lei huffed. I see you have it all worked out with Lu Yu and Yara – yet, you've found your way back to me, crawling out of the abyss you plunged us into.

It's good to see you too old friend.

We are not friends - traitor.

That's why I said old.

Nice joke, Anh. Where's the funny part?

They regarded one another for a moment, Anh's face betraying his joy at seeing Hei Lei with a smile. Hei Lei's gaze also softened. It was a tiny crack in the walls they had both built around themselves; a sliver of hope in the darkness.

I've missed you. Anh confessed.

A heavy sigh that shook the dirt beneath him escaped through Hei Lei's mouth. I can't say the feeling is mutual.

Why are you here?

Silence lingered in the mountain air, the tension between them palpable. Anh held his breath, praying for a sign in Hei Lei's eyes. A sign that their reunion might be the catalyst for a new beginning. That hope was folly.

I came to find Bai Xue. He said at last. Your idiot cousin and Jiang left the Haven weeks ago, and I feared Bai Xue would be next. I came to ensure her safety return.

It should her choice whether to stay or leave the Haven. Anh said in a measured voice.

A derisive snort escaped Hei Lei's nostrils, his crimson eyes narrowing into slits. The Haven is the only safe place for dragons! Or maybe you have forgotten that on your little adventures into human realms. It wouldn't be the first for you, would it?

I never expected forgiveness from you. Anh admitted. I know I hurt you deeply, and I can't undo the past. But I never intended to put the Haven in harms way.

Hei Lei puffed out his chest. Out here dragons are vulnerable to necromancers, greedy men, and witless peasants. Outside, dragons are used as tools for feckless human folly. Tell me, has your plan to bring rain bought you the comforts you so desperately desired for you and your harlot?

Anh bit his tongue. He had anticipated Hei Lei's anger, but it still stung to hear it voiced so vehemently. Before he had a chance to respond Hei Lei continued his insult.

Oh yes, I've heard all about how you and Lu Yu brought rain to the east. Must be nice to have a companion so whim to your human tendencies and plots. But judging by how she abandoned you on this mountain, I'd say your companionship hasn't been quite what either of you were hoping for, huh?

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