Parting Gifts

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The next day was a blur. Not simply for his hangover (Which Bong immediately recognized in Anh, and directed him to a stand that sold spicy noodles for relief), but for the dizzying logistics that the Keepers had to carry out ready for their flight. Lao Longzi consulted with merchants from the south on weather patterns, any suspicious activities on the roads, etc. Minh Huyn, with his waning energy, took it upon himself to offer blessings to the townsfolk knowing it may be some time before dragons would be seen in the area again. Bong was in charge of gathering food, medicine and other necessities. That left Anh the task of packing and tying down the supplies ready for the dragons.

It was late afternoon when he finished with the last pack and saddle.

I miss the days when we relied on primal instinct, and not preparedness. Hei Lei said as Anh took off the weighted saddle and pack for a third time. They were the days when a dragon had to hunt daily for his feed and seek shelter where shelter was scarce. He went on.

Yes, Anh concurred. And also when dragons were dying by the tens because they fell prone to illness from carrion and poisonous roots.

Hei Lei scoffed. Thinning out the weak blood.

Charming. Anh said. Now that the final pack was done he could rest. He had drunk far too much baiju the night before – and the spicy noodles were not sitting well in his stomach as the day drew on.

He sat on Hei Lei's tail and looked over the village gates. He hadn't seen Yara today. Maybe he had upset her last night? Or worse – maybe someone had noticed her disappearance and she was in trouble. The elderly men – the ones who played chess each night – could they have told her parents?

He groaned. How could he be so stupid to take her out last night. She was in trouble, he just knew.

I'm going to see if Yara is okay. Anh said standing up.

Yara, Yara, Yara. Hei Lei mocked. She's fine.

You don't know that.

I do. Hei Lei snorted.

Anh kicked a stone from under him. I really best go see for myself.

At that moment Anh sensed someone approach – it was Lao Longzi.

There you both are. Lao said to them. The remainder of our party will be here by evening. In the meantime, Lord Cao has invited us to supper.

Anh bit his lip but said nothing. Once the other dragons arrived they'd camp the night outside the village gate. By dawn they'd be gone. His last chance to see Yara was fading fast.

"I'm not feeling well – I'll pass." He said.

"Lord Cao has offered you kindness, money and food, and you thank him by pretending to be sick?" Lao huffed.

Anh stuttered. "I'm rather hungover if you must know!"

"Half the town is, but no one turns down an invite from a Lord." Lao turned towards the town. "Come!"

That evening they dined with Lord Cao. It was a profound and lavish feast. Lord Cao expressed his thanks to keepers for the help with a prolonged speech – a special thanks was given to Anh and Hei Lei for their extra efforts. He then invited a monk to bless the dragons and their keepers with ointment and prayers. Though Sha was not among the group tonight, prayers were given for the dragonlings in the hopes of long and fulfilling lives. Then one of Lord Cao's wives came into the hall with a gift wrapped in linen.

It was for Hei Lei. "A jewel for your claws." Lord Cao said fastening the precious stone to Hei Lei's right claw. "A special thanks for your help this past year."

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