Betrayal of the Dragon Haven

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It's there, Anh! Hei Lei growled. I can feel it.

Anh lifted Hei Lei's tail for what must have been the hundredth time that day. With his fingers he felt under every talon before releasing his tail. There's nothing there.

There is! Look again! Hei Lei urged.

Hei Lei, Anh groaned. Chinaberry isn't found this far north!

It was in the rocks by Dragon Lake, I'm telling you.

It was probably algae or something. There hasn't been any rain or wind here in weeks. Anh slumped back onto the wall of the cave. He squinted as he thought of a diagnosis. Look, do you feel tired at all?


Then it's confirmed! It's not chinaberry.

Then why am I so itchy! Hei Lei roared.

Anh was about to argue once again that it couldn't possibly be chinaberry when Minh Huyn rose from where he and Bai Xue had been dozing. It's likely, considering you were fishing at Dragon Lake, that you walked through stagnant algae. His groaned slightly as he bent over. The wound to his shoulder and chest had healed, but he struggled with muscle aches since. It has a tendency to irritate, that algae.

Told you. Anh smirked.

Hei Lei huffed, and curled himself into a ball on a boulder. Anh took the opportunity to go outside and sit with Lu Yu. The other dragons weren't privy to her and Danzi's stone, but that didn't stop Anh from asking Lu Yu all about caring for dragonlings. The first dragonling born in 400 years was a big deal even by Dragon Keeper timelines.

What do dragonlings eat? Anh asked.

Milk for the first for months of their life. Then we introduce them to insects. Grubs are bes!.

Anh's face twisted a little at the thought. I suppose bugs are easy game compared to large animals.

Lu Yu tinkled at the thought. You realize the dragonling wont hatch for at least 50 years?

I know. Anh said. But I don't intend to knock off before then. If I live anywhere as long as Minh Huyn does, then that gives me years with them.

Lu Yu stretched out. Her purple scales were a stark contrast against the green grass. She wasn't a dragon that could camouflage into her surroundings, nor did she have the gift of shape shifting like Danzi. It was why she and Gao Zi began training with Anh and Hei Lei three years ago.

It got Anh thinking. If the egg is purple, does that mean the dragonling will purple too?

Lu Yu looked behind them and around to be sure they were alone. She felt into her reverse scales and produced the purple egg. Anh's eyes widened with wonder. He had seen the egg a few times now, yet each time still felt as though it was his first time seeing it. It was a deep shade of purple, with milky veins snaking across its surface It was small, just the size of a stone like the ones he and Bong sometimes skipped over Dragon Lake. But it held within it the potential for something truly extraordinary. One day the egg would hatch, and something magnificent would emerge from within. It was a thought that filled Anh with excitement, for he knew that whatever came out of that egg would be unlike anything they had seen before.

Anh had been so lost in thought that he had forgotten what they were talking about. I think it will be purple, like me.

Huh, what? Anh said breaking his sight from the egg. Then he remembered. Oh! Right. A purple dragon.

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