Team ZIT's Aftermath

Start from the beginning

He looks down at the blanket, "You were already hurt and if...if he really is worse then Herobrine I couldn't- I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I could've done something to help you."

"You could've been could've died Tango. We- I could've lost you again."

"I would give myself up every time if it means keeping you and Zedaph safe."

"I don't want that Tango," He makes the blonde look at him, "I can't lose you again."

"You might..."

"I'll do everything in my power to keep that from happening."

"You don't understand Impulse."

"Then help me to understand."

"He'll come back, he won't let this slide. He'll come to take me back to the Nether for good."

"I won't let that happen."

"It won't be up to you Impulse."

"We're a team, remember? We'll do this together."

Tango nods, Impulse wipes the tears away before they leave more burns.

"Its going to be ok."

"We shouldn't even be focusing on me, you're the one hurt. You're the one the Watchers possessed."

"I'm more concerned about you right now, I feel fine, I'm healing a lot faster then I thought I would."

"I'm going to go get food, do you want anything?"

"I'll take a sandwich, can you grab something for Zed?"

Tango nods and gets up, going down to the kitchen.

"What aren't you telling me Tango?..."

Impulse wakes Zed back up, making sure he's ok.

"I'm fine Impulse, stop fussing over me." The goat swats the phantom's hand away.

"I just want to make sure."

"Impulse, what's going on?"

"I'm just worried about everyone..."

"Everyone will be ok, you know that."

"I know...I can't help it thought."

"I know, its going to be ok though."

"Hey lovelies, how's it going?" Keralis pops his head into the room.

"Hey dad, we're doing ok."

"Good good, where's Tango?"

"What do you mean? Wasn't he in the kitchen?"

"No, no one is downstairs."

"Impy, I thought you said he was grabbing food."

"He said he was," Impulse gets up, "I'll go look for him."

"Is that a good idea? You need to rest."

"I'll be fine."

"Nope, none of that now. I'll go look for him, you two stay here."


"Don't even try it mister."

"But Tango-"

"What about me? Oh, hi Keralis."

The three turn to the door, the blaze standing there with a tray of food."

"Where did you go? Keralis said you weren't downstairs."

"I went out back to get honey, there was none in the kitchen or storage room."

"Oh, are you doing, ok?"

"Yeah, I made sandwiches, if I knew you were coming, I would've made you one Keralis."

"Don't worry about it hun, I just stopped by to check on everyone."

"How are Scar and Grian?"

"They're doing just fine, just need a few days to rest and they'll be back to causing chaos and throwing people in the Boatem hole."

"And everyone else? Bdubs, Doc, Etho, Ren, X, etc.?" 

"Everyone is ok."

"What about you dad, how are you doing?"

"Good but don't worry about me, you need to rest, Cub said so himself."

"I know, I will, don't worry. Can we talk outside for a second?"


The two leave and Tango sets the tray down, handing Zedaph a plate with a glass of water.

"He's worried about you, you know."

"Who is?"

"Impulse, I don't know what you two talked about, but it obviously has you shaken and him worried."

"I'll be fine in a few days."

"We both know Impulse and we both know that a few days is too long for him. I'm not saying talk to him or fake being happy because that won't help."

"Then what are you saying Zed?"

"I'm saying he's going to bombard you until you are ok, so be ok with a clingy Impulse."

"I can handle clingy, I put up with you after all."

"Shut up and sit down."

"Why?" He sits next to the goat, "So I can give you pets?"

"Nope!" He runs a hand through the blonde's hair, "So I can help you relax."

Tango smiles, melting into the touch.

"Aww, I should do this more often."

"Shut up."

By the time Impulse comes back Tango is practically asleep as Zed messes with his hair, the goat now scribbling down another idea for his base. Impulse sits next to Zed, picking up a book and relaxing with the other two.

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