A New Server

138 4 2

3rd Person POV

Cub walks through the rift, looking around the server.

It looked the same as he remembered, an absolute mess.

With a small sigh Cub makes his way toward Puffy's place, the server unusually quiet. It sent a chill up his spine, where was everyone? The vex is hit from behind, barely catching himself before hitting the wooden path.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok."

Cub gets up, dusting himself off and looking down at the boy.

"Are you new?"

"No, no, I'm a friend of Puffy's."

"Oh well she's not here right now, she's off visiting Foolish. I'm Tubbo by the way."

"Cub, it's nice to meet you Tubbo."

"You too-"




Tommy runs past Tubbo, hugging the taller.

"Hey Tommy, how are you?"

"Good! What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to Puffy but she's apparently out in the desert."

"Yeahhh it's her monthly gossip session with Foolish."

"Is that what they do?"

"Probably, wouldn't be surprised. Have you visited Sam yet? I'm sure he'd love to see you."

"Not yet I just got here and ran into Tubbo."

"We have to go see Sam then! Come on Tubbo!"

The two follow Tommy, Tubbo shaking his head fondly at the blonde.

"So, what do you need Puffy for?"

"My admin is worrying himself sick over a new member, I told him I'd see if Puffy could help but I can't guarantee anything will happen."

"I'm sure she can help, Puffy is good at that sort of stuff."

"It's more of him opening up to her I'm worried about."

"Ah, yeah that can be tricky."

"Yep, but it's worth a try."

"Sam! Are you home!"

"Tommy, how many times have I told you to knock."

"Yeah yeah, look who's here!"

"Sup Sammy."

"Cub, come in come in, what's up man?"

"Not much, how are you?"

"I'm good, how is uhm, how is he?"

Cub smiles, "Doc is good, he misses you, so does Zed. You could come visit you know."

"I doubt he wants to see me after how last time ended."

"He wants you to come visit Sam, they both really miss you."

"I'll think about it, what brings you to DSMP?"

"Need to talk to Puffy."

"I believe her monthly tea and gossip is almost over, shouldn't be too much longer now."

"Perfect, I should head down there, you know how to use the rift if you ever want to come see them?"

"Yeah, it was good to see you Cub."

"You too, tell the others I say hi, nice to see you again Tommy."

"Don't leave without saying bye!"

"I won't I won't." Cub waves, leaving the three alone.

He heads to Puffy's place, knocking on the door.

"Just a sec!"

The vex smiles as the door opens, "Hey captain."

"Cub!" She hugs him tightly.

"Can't breathe."

"Sorry!" She takes a step back, "This is a surprise, come in."

He walks in, noticing a certain admin sitting on the couch.

"Dream? Haven't you grown up."


"The one and only, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just stressed, admin stuff."

"Speaking of admins, Puffy how busy are you?"

"Not too busy, what's up?"

"X is going crazy over a new member, do you think you could help?"

"Help X or the new guy?"

"I would say the new guy but honestly X could use someone to talk to that isn't Keralis or I."

"He never did like opening up when stressed."

"Tell me about it! We managed to get him to rest while I'm here but who knows how well that's going."

"Knowing X not at all, I can come visit though. It'll be nice to take a break from the chaos here."

"Uhm, can I come?"

"Of course Dream, you need a break too?"

"Yeah, it'd also be nice to talk to another admin."

"Does Sam want to come with? I'm sure Doc wants to see him."

"I tried but I think I need help convincing him."

"Well then, lets go see that stubborn creeper."

Cub and Dream follow Puffy, the two making small talk on their way back to Sam's place.

"Oh Sammy! I hope you have your travel shoes on!"

"Puffy what are you talking about?"

"You're coming with us to Hermitcraft, and you don't have a choice."


"No, you haven't seen him in years. You owe him a visit."

"Fine, just let me feed Fran first."

"Hurry up, we don't have all day."

Sam goes to feed Fran, mumbling to himself as he goes.

"Why does Sam not want to go?"

"He knows someone there, they got into a fight last time they were together. They didn't exactly make up."

"Oh, interesting."

"Don't get any ideas mister, you're still in trouble when we get back."

"But I already apologized to everyone!"

"Doesn't matter."

Sam comes back, "Can we get this over with?"

"Yep, to the rift."

The four walk over to the purple portal, talking aimlessly as they go.

"Come on duckling!" Puffy grabs Dream's hand, pulling him through the portal.

"They really do miss you Sam."

"We're going to find out."

Sam walks through the portal, followed by Cub.

The four stand on the other side, looking at the state of the server.

"I was gone for an hour. One hour, that's all!"

MCYT/HermitCraft Oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora