3 Am

139 4 0

TW: Self harm, angst, relapsing, mention of past self harm

3rd Person POV

Grian sighs, relaxing after everyone has left. Yes he was glad to see Dream again but he was exhausted after talking to Puffy. He knew it would end in a therapy session but to her knowledge and to Dream's, Grian was fine and that's how he wanted to keep it. 

He didn't need anyone worrying about him, he was fine.

At least that's what he told himself.

Sure his wrist were scarred.

His mind was a bit of a mess.

Not all days went ok.

He wasn't exactly happy.

But that didn't mean anything. He was fine.

That's what he believed.

That's what he told himself.

Grian looks down as pain shoots through his wrist.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no."

He looks over at the clock, 3 am. When did it become 3? What was he going to do? Panic rushes through him, unsure of what to do. He wanted to stop but his shaking hands were close to continuing. Tears cloud his vision, a red haze becoming bigger.

"Scar he's not going to be up."

"I know he is! All the lights are on and I can feel it, I know he's up."

"That doesn't mean any-...Grian?"

"Oh my gosh..."

Mumbo rushes over to the pesky bird, carefully grabbing his hands.

"Scar I need a clean towel and some bandages now."

"R-right, on it."

"G, look at me."

He shakes his head no.

"Gri buddy, no one is mad, I'm more worried than anything. Can you please look at me?"

The dirty blonde looks up at Mumbo, tears rolling down his face.

"Oh Grian..."

"I'm s-sorry Mumbo."

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"I d-don't know, I didn't ev-even realize I did t-this..."

"Can I look?"

The shorter nods and Mumbo looks at his other arm.

"I don't see anything, we'll get you cleaned up and all better."

"I'm s-so sorry Mumbo."

"Shhh, focus on calming down ok? We can talk later."

Scar comes back, "Sorry, I struggled to find everything."

"Thank you Scar."

Mumbo gently cleans Grian's wrist, wrapping it and pulling the sweater sleeve down over it.

"There we go, all cleaned up."

Grian wipes the tears away, not meeting either of the other hermits faces.

"G, we aren't mad, this happens, its going to be ok."

"I was doing so well..."

"Like Scar said, relapses happen, we're here for you."

"You should be mad, you should yell at me, I did a terrible horrible thing."

The two share a look and Scar pulls the shorter into a hug.

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