A New Friend

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3rd Person POV

Grian takes a deep breath, looking down at the cake he's holding.

"Ok, you can do this."

The pesky bird knocks on the crimson door.

"Oh look, shorty is back."

"With a cake."

EX looks at it, opening the door for Grian, "If you have to, come in."

The avian walks inside, setting the cake on the counter.

"What brings you down to the Nether?"

"I came to see you."

"You, a Hermit, came to see me?"


"Why?" He narrows his eyes at the parrot.

Grian takes a slice of cake, "No one will tell me anything about you, so I thought I'd come see you for myself."

"You want to know about me?"


"Ok then, according to my lovely brother I'm evil, a traitor, good for nothing scum and I deserve to be banned in order to keep the server safe."

Grian laughs, "I'd hardly call the things you did evil."

"How do you know what I did?"

"Oh please," He looks up at the taller, eyes a bright purple, "I know more than you think."

EX smirks, "Nice to see you aren't afraid to use your powers Xelqua."

"What I'm interested in is why you don't just talk to Xisuma."

He takes a slice of cake, "Please, he has his mind made up, no reason to get banned again."

"I'm sure if you talked to him you could stay."

"Yeah right."

Grian looks up at EX, a purple flash blocking a fireball, "You could tell your boyfriend its rude to shoot fireballs at visitors."

"EX who is this."

"This is Grian although you might know him as Xelqua."

"As in the Watcher you're always talking about?"


"And you must be Hels, Wels' brother."

"Of course, you know my brother."

"We are on the same server."

"What is he doing here."

"Your guess is as good as mine, he brought cake."

"Well thanks for the cake, have a good life."


"You can't tell me you want him here."

"No but he's a Watcher, I can't exactly kick him out."

"He's tiny, you could totally kick him out."

A string of purple wraps around Hels' ankle, pulling his feet out from under him. The avian smirks mischievously.

"You want to test that?"

"EX get him out of here."

"Ok both of you calm down, Grian let him go."

The ropes around Hels disappear, allowing him to get up."

"Hels if you don't want to be around him then you can go get us more food."

"It's not night yet, they'll see me if I go to the Overworld."

"Then stop complaining and sit down."

He sits next to EX, glaring at Grian.

"Did you come here to prove something, or did you actually need something?"

"I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to get to know you. You're X's brother, I want to give you a chance."


"Because if you and X have anything in common it's your stubbornness."

"What does he have to do with this?"

"When I asked him about you, he was-"

"Angry? Horrified? Disgusted? Yeah, I know."

"Hurt, guilty, regretful, he misses you."

"Are we talking about the same Xisuma here? Why would he miss me."

"Because you're his brother and as much as you don't want to admit it you miss him too."

"I do not."

"You do, I know you know he misses you too. Siblings have a special bond, you're his twin. Nothing can break that bond no matter how much you wish he'd hate you."

"He should hate me."

"Well, he doesn't, I can't make you do anything, but you should talk to him." Grian gets up, pushing his chair in.

"How do you know?"

"...I have a brother too, not only that but I'm an admin or was an admin, you grow close to those around you and make bonds that can't be broken."

EX looks down at his hands, thinking about what Grian said.

"Don't tell me you're considering what he's saying."

"What if he's right?"

"If he was then why hasn't your dear brother come to see you himself."

"You make it sound like you don't miss Wels."

"I don't."

"Rigghht and he doesn't miss you."

"He doesn't."

"Keep telling yourself that. Just think about what I said."

Grian walks out, leaving the two.

"What an idiot, what does he know!"


"Hey, just forget about he said, ok? We have each other and that's all we need."

EX smiles, grabbing his hand, "Yeah, you're right."

"Come on, you need sleep."

"I do not."

"Ok, I guess I'm going to go to bed, all alone, in the cold, with no one to hold."

"Ok ok I'm coming."

EX follows Hels to the bedroom.

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