Team ZIT's Aftermath

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TW: Slight Tango and Impulse angst

3rd Person POV

"Go back to sleep Zed."

"You're the one that should be sleeping Impulse." He looks up at the taller.

"Both of you be quiet and go back to sleep."

"Good morning to you too sunshine."

Tango playfully glares at Zedaph, rolling over to face Impulse instead.

"You doing ok firefly?"

"Are you doing, ok? I wasn't hurt as badly as you were."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

Tango studies the other, easily seeing through the lie.

Impulse glance over at Zed who's almost asleep again, whispers later to Tango and carefully gets out of bed.

"I'm worried about you Impulse....They really hurt you and I know its hurt you mentally."

"....Why didn't you tell us 303 was your dad?"

"I..." He sits up, leaning against the wall and runs a hand through Zed's hair, "I guess I was afraid of how people would react..."

"I don't care who your dad is Tango, your parents don't define you."

Tango looks down at the bedspread, "...It doesn't matter, we should get you some food and pain killers. Cub said you're going to be in pain for a few days."

Impulse walks over to the blaze, grabbing his hand and kneeling in front of Tango.

"Firefly, talk to me."

"Its nothing."

"That's not true, something is obviously bothering you."

"...He still doesn't want me," The blonde looks up at the slightly taller, whisp of smoke filling the air where tears burns his face, "He didn't want me because I'm his son, he wanted me because I'm useful."

Impulse gently reaches up, swiping the tears away.

"He left my mother because he didn't want me....I lost my mother, and he still didn't want me. He gave me over to Grian without hesitating. If that had been a different Watcher...."

The brunette brushes the hair out of Tango's face, noticing a bruise he hadn't seen yesterday.

"...Did he hit you?"

Tango reaches up, gently brushing the dark spot, "Its nothing, I'm used to it."

"Before you met Zed?"

He nods.

"You never did tell us much about that, or about when you were missing."

"...I lived with Herobrine."

"You did?"

He nods, "His youngest found me and grew attached, I lived with them until I found Zed."

"And he hit you?"

"Liked to remind me I'm a filthy blaze hybrid..."

"But 303 isn't a blaze?"

"I got most of my mother's traits, I have a bit of his powers, but I haven't used them in a long time."

"Do you know what he is?"

Tango shrugs, "No clue, I know he grew up with Herobrine, probably the only reason I stayed alive as long as I did."

"...Tango, why did you give yourself up for me?"

"You're my friend, I wasn't going to not save you."

"Don't you try to lie to me, I've known you far too long for that."

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