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3rd Person POV

"Oh Grian!"

The parrot closes the shulker, looking over at Scar.

"Hey Scar, what's up?"

"I may be hungry."

"That time already?"

"Yeah, sorry to bother you with this."

"I don't mind, just let me clean up and make sure my spawn is set."

"Ok, what are you working on?"

Grian starts putting his stuff away, "The inside of the G Mansion."

"How is that going?"

"Pretty well actually."

"That's great!"

"Yeah," He sets his spawn, "Ok, go ahead."

"Uh do you mind if we go back to my place for this?"

"Can I ask why?"

"...I don't want anyone to see..."

"Why would that matter?"

Scar looks away, scratching the back of his neck.

"Scar? What's going on?"

"...I don't want people to think I'm a monster."

"Oh Scar, no one is going to think you're a monster, come on, let's go to your place. I can tell you're getting hungry."

The taller takes the parrot's outstretched hand, the two going to Scars base. Grian resets his spawn, making sure he has nothing on him.

"Ok, go for it."

Grian was killed by GoodTimeWithScar

"Feel better?"

"Yes, thank you." He hugs the shorter from behind.

"Don't worry about it, I told you, you could come to me when hungry. Did you get enough?"

"I did yes."

He turns around to face Scar, "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can birdie."

"I'm..." He hides his face in Scar's chest, "I'm a Watcher."


"Ok?" He looks up at him.

"I'm going to guess I'm not the first person you've told, and I know you G, if you wanted to hurt us or destroy the server you would've by now."

"You don't care that I'm a monster?"

"If you're a monster then so am I, we can be monsters together."

"You're not a monster Scar."

"You're not either Grian, do you feel better getting that off your chest?"

"Yeah, I do actually."

"If you ever need anything from me, just ask, ok? It's the least I can do since you're letting me use you as a food source."


"I have an idea, come on."

Intrigued Grian follows Scar to the shopping district and into Lookie Lookie at my Cookie.

He looks around the dark shop, "I don't think it's open Scar."

"It is, I have an I.O.U." He shows the parrot the paper as he puts it in a chest for Keralis and turns the lights on.

The shop is now dimly lit, a table in the middle of the room.

"I know you've been busy lately with the G Mansion and since I had an I.O.U I figured I'd use it to help give you a relaxing night."

"This is for me?"

"Yep, whatever you want, it's yours."

"You should've used that on something more important."

"You are important to me birdie."

He blushes slightly, letting Scar pull him over to the table.

"Can I ask you a question about Watchers?" He sits across from Grian.

"Uh sure."

"You don't have to answer but, in the stories, I've heard Watchers are said to be these big powerful beings but you're one of the most harmless people I've met."

"I can use my Watcher powers whenever but if I want to change into my Watcher form without draining myself, I would have to use my Watcher mask."

"You have a fancy magical mask?"

"Yeah, I don't typically use it though."

"Well I bet you look beautiful."

He blushes looking away, "Watchers are monsters...not beautiful."

"Then I must be crazy."

"You wouldn't be the first..."

"Then it must be true."

"What have you been working on?"

"Oh, just some landscaping."

"Sounds like a Scar project."

"It is but I like it."

Scar gets up, cleaning up and holding his hand out to the parrot.

"Can I walk you home?"

"Sure." He takes the taller's hand with a smile.

The two make their way back to the G Mansion, Grian slowly pulling his hand away.

"Thank you, for tonight."

"Don't mention it, I'm glad you had a good time."

"I'll see you later?"

"See you later."

The two separate, both grinning like idiots.

MumboJumbo whispers to you: You better give me all the details tomorrow Grian

You whisper to MumboJumbo: Don't you have something better to do then spy on us?

MumboJumbo whispers to you: Nah, now go to bed pesky bird

You whisper to MumboJumbo: You too mustache man

Turning his communicator off, Grian gets into bed, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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