I Don't Care

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3rd Person POV

Doc leans against the door to Zed's room, "So you going to continue to be mad or are you going to talk to your brother."

"I'm not talking to him."

"He misses you."

"I don't care."

"I do, I don't want you two to fight."

"If he gets to walk out on me then I don't have to do anything for him."

"So that's what this is about, something that happened years ago."

"He abandoned me! When I was getting bullied at school was he there to help? No. When I needed someone to understand what it was like he wasn't there. When there was a storm was he there? No. When I had to first shave was he there to help? No. My whole life he was absent."

"You had me."

"I needed him too. I needed my older brother too."

Doc sighs, sitting on the bed, "And it's my fault he left."

"You're a single dad, what did he expect? Perfection?"

"It wasn't that Zed, it was the fact that we were fighting. He couldn't take the stress of everything anymore. He wanted to get away from it all."

"And leave us in the process."

"He was a teen Zedaph, we both know how you were at that age."

"I didn't abandoned my family."

"You'll have to forgive him eventually


"Well I'm going to go see him, he wants to show me what he's been up to, you're welcome to join me if you want."

"I'll pass."

"Alright, I'm leaving in a few hours in case you change your mind."

Doc gets up, leaving the room and Zed sighs. He could stop being stubborn and go with Doc or he could go for a walk and find Impulse and Tango.

That idea sounded a lot better than giving his dad the win. Zedaph gets up, putting his shoes on and leaving the house. He lets out a breath, feeling better and going to find his friends.


"Tango what did I tell you about spending so much time in the cold?!"

"I'm fine Impulse, its not that cold."

"You're freezing Tango! You're body can't take the cold temps."

"What's going on?"

"Hey Zed."

"Tango is being stupid and spending too much time in the mountains again."


"I'm fine, really and if it will make you stop freaking out we can go sit next to a fire."

"It would yes."

Tango shakes his head and follows Impulse, grabbing Zed's hand, "How are you doing Zed?"

"Great, things are going well, how about you?"

"I'm alright, would be better if someone stopped being a worry wart."

"I can hear you!"

"That's the point."

The shorter laughs at the two, "You two are children."

"Like you're any better."

"I'd say I am."

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