Can We Talk?

123 6 1

TW: Angst, talk of hallucinations, mentions of Sam and YHS, one swear word

3rd Person POV

"Ren? Are you home?"

"Down in the hanger!"

Grian flies down, looking around.

"Much better now that it's an actual circle."

"Yeah, its slowly coming along."

"It is."

"What can I help you with G?"

"I brought you some sandstone in hopes I can talk to you?"

"That was sweet of you, but you don't have to bribe me you know."

"I know but this might take a while and that's a lot of wasted time you could use to gather materials or build."

Ren sets his stuff down, looking at Grian, "G, is everything ok?"

"...I'm having a hard time and Mumbo isn't here, I don't know if Scar would understand and after being hippies last season, I feel ok telling you."

"Why don't we go sit down and we can talk, ok?"

Grian nods and follows Ren inside. The taller sits and opens his arms for the parrot.

"Come here G."

Grian sits, relaxing against the older.

"What's going on?"

"...I'm having a lot of flashbacks right now; I was doing fine at the end of last season and at the beginning of this season but now even the smallest things are triggering me and sometimes I can't tell what's real or not."

"You want to talk about them?"

"They're really bad...."

"I lived as a hippie last season, messing with Doc, I think I can handle it but if you really don't want to talk about them you don't have to. I'm here to listen though."

"...I've been seeing Sam a lot...I'll just be walking around, and I'll see or hear him. Sometimes he'll just stand there and other times he'll have a knife. I-I had to wear a blue jumper for a stupid prank thing and all I could think about was Taurtis and high school and having to wear Taurtis' clothes. He won't get out of my head Ren...I know he's not here; he can't hurt me but even seeing a rabbit sets me off. Not to mention I feel like I'm being watched and followed everywhere I go. I want it to stop, to go away, I just got my wings back, I don't want to lose them again. I-I can't go through that again."

"Grian, can you tell me what happened in high school?"

And so, he does, Grian tells Ren what happened, the older sits there, listening to the younger and pushing his anger aside. How could anyone do that to the boy! He was a child and had to go through hell. Ren holds Grian close, rubbing his back in a soothing manner, Grian wipes the tears away, calming his breathing.


"Don't you dare apologize; you have nothing to be sorry for. How can I help you G? That's a lot to carry by yourself."

"I just don't want to be alone right now."

"We can sit here as long as you want then, ok?"

"Thank you, Ren."

"Of course, Gri, I'm here for you, ok?"


Grian relaxes against Ren, the two sitting in a comfortable silence and eventually falling asleep. Which is how Doc finds them a few hours later, the creeper smiles at the two and leaves a note for Ren before leaving them to rest.

MCYT/HermitCraft Oneshots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon