I Didn't Trip

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TW: Panic attack, attempted murder, talk of betrayal, fighting

3rd Person POV

"No!" Joel groans in annoyance, looking around the space he's in, "Can't believe I ran out of time."

"Joel! Joel thank goodness you're here!"

"Skizz? What's wrong?"

"It's Jimmy, he's been freaking out since I got here, I can't get him to calm down."

"That's quite some time, where is he?"

Joel follows Skizz, finding Jimmy sitting against a tree.

"Jimmy buddy, what's going on?"

"I didn't trip I didn't trip I didn't trip they pushed me I didn't trip."

"Jimmy," Joel grabs his hands, "Can you hear me buddy?"

The blonde doesn't respond, just mumbling the same thing over and over.

"What do we do Joel?"

"I don't know, he's unresponsive, we're going to have to hope Grian or Scott or Tango get out soon."

The two wait, and wait, and wait for someone who can help to get out and eventually Tango does, showing up not that far away.

"Dang it Scar!"

"Top! Get over here!"

"What's going on?" He walks over to Skizz.

"Oh you know just us waiting for you to get out to help Jimmy!"

"What's wrong wi- oh no." 

Tango kneels in front of Jimmy, pulling the other into a hug and rubbing his back.

"Jimmy, I need you to calm down, you're getting yourself all worked up buddy."

"He's not responding to anyone, Skizz and I have tried."

Tango taps a small pattern on the canary's leg, humming softly. It takes awhile but eventually Jimmy calms down, mumbling coming to a stop.

"Jimmy? Can you hear me?"

He nods, leaning against Tango.

"Can you take some deep breaths for me?"

He nods taking some deep breaths.

"Good job Jim," Tango turns to the other two, "Will you keep an eye out for Grian? I know he was low when I got out, I'll be surprised if he last much longer."

"Have you no faith in him?"

"Oh no I do but this is the Life Series. No one plays fair."

"Fair, we'll go keep a look out, come on Skizz."

"Will he be ok Toppers?"

"He'll be just fine Skizz, don't worry."

He nods and follows Joel to go wait for Grian.


"What's up bud?"

"Tango I didn't trip."

"What do you mean?"

"When I got out, I didn't trip off the bridge, they pushed me."

"They what."

"They pushed me, I was crouching and then I was pushed but it wasn't Grian or Joel. It was them."

"You're safe now, ok? When Grian gets here I'll talk to him."

"Why is it always me? What did I do to them?"

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