Chapter 20

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Cain's pov

"Who do you think is gonna win?" Danté asked me. It was obvious who I was cheering for.

"My baby ofcourse. Your doing the same." I said and he chuckled. We waited and they were taking a bit long. I know Elara and she would've been back by now.

"What's taking them so long?" Danté questioned. I guess it weird that Aria was taking long too. All of a sudden Elara roared.

"Elara!" I yelled. I ran and shifted. Another roar was heard but it wasnt Elara. Aria. I looked next to me and Danté was next to me and a few members from both of our packs were with us. When we reached them, Elara was standing on a vampire and Aria swung her paw at wolves that wasn't from our pack.

We ran towards them and the vampire escaped and the wolves fled. There was a wolf laying dead on the ground. I looked to Elaraand she almost fell over. She was bleeding by her neck. I rushed next to her and helped her stand up right again. I told my member to walk around us as we made our way back. Aria was limping but she didmt seem to be hurt anywhere else.

When we got back we were giving clothes. We shifted back and got dressed. Aria and Elara shufted back. I had to catch Elara as she fell again. Her neck wounds weren't deep and they already started healing. Danté picked up Aria. Her leg was torn open.

"Lets get them to the pack hospital." I said. Jaxon brought the car around. We put the girls in then got in ourselves. Elara was fighting to stay awake but she kept watching Aria.

Aria looked at her and she seemed to notice. "Im fine Elara. Rest. Your hurt worse than what I was." She said. Elara immediately closed her eyes and she fell asleep. When we got to the hospital they helped us immediately. Aria had bandages wrapped around her leg and Elara around he neck.

The doctor walked in. "The lunas will be fine. Elara just fell asleep due to the pain and Aria's wounds will heal withing a day or two. They dont seem to have been bitten by any vampire and there is no other harm done to them." Dr Grey said. I thanked her and she left.

Danté didnt eant to leave Aria's side no matter how many times she says she is fine. Elara still hasn't woken up yet and I started to worry. "Cain." I looked over to Aria. "Were cats sleep when they heal. Its goes faster that way. She will wake up in the morning. If she wakes up any sooner then there is danger nearby. Don't worry. Shuri wont let anything happen to her." Aria reassured me.

I was going to doubt her word but remembered she was a werecat too. She knew more about this than any of us. I nodded and looked back at Elara. She looked peaceful and her breathing was normal. Jaxon was dealing with the things back home with Danté's beta, Micheal. We didn't have to worry.


I woke up Elara was holding my hand. She was sitting up right and staring at the wall. "Elara. Are you okay?" I asked her. No response. She just stared at the wall. He grip on my hand got tighter. Danté and Aria were still sleeping. "Elara." I got up and sat next to her. Still no response. I moved in front of her and she seemed to be in out of it. "Elara." I snapped my fingers in front of her and she snapped out of it.

"Cain. When did you wake up?" She asked.

"Thats not important. Whats wrong? You were starning at the wall." I said. She looked at me and started taking the bandages off. "Dont do that." I said.

"Im fine. I must've zoned out." She said. She took the last layer off and her woumds were gone completely. She looked over at Aria then back to me. "Is she okay?" She asked. She is more worried about her than herself.

"She is fine. She will heal." I said.

"I dont want to be here." Elara said. I held her in my arms and she snuggled into my chest.

"We'll leave soon baby. I promise." I told her. Dr. Grey walked in and Aria and Danté woke up. Aria's leg was almost completely healed. She could leave the hospital but she would have to stay in bed for another day. Elara was good to go too.

The minute we left the hospital, Elara was happy again. She ran to the car and got in. Danté helped Aria into the car and I drove us back home. "Elara. Those wolves were after you so why did they attack me?" Aria asked.

Elara's eyes changed and she calmed herself down and they went back to normal. "Probably to make me angry. If they cant get me alone they would want to exchange a life for me. I think its best we stay around the house." She said.

"I agree." Danté said. Elara looked sad and so did Aria. "Guess cats cant handle being indoors all the time." Tyson said. I agreed with him. When we got back home, Danté took Aria up to their room and Elara went to our room. The first thing she did was go to sleep. I layed next to her and she snuggled up to me.

"Is something wrong princess?" I asked. She seemed upset. I didnt want her to be upset.

"I want this to end. I want blood cove to leave us alone." She said. I held her until she fell asleep. I quielty got up and left the room. Danté and I held a meeting which everyone attended.

"As you know, The luna of the Emerald pack is being targeted. We are going to protect her." Danté said.

"I want four member of my pack and from silver star to guard the territory. A vampire was able to get in. We cant have that happen again." I said.

"We are going to protect our packs. We will die protecting those we love." Danté said and everyone cheered. They all went to put in their shifts for guarding the territory.

I was glad they all are willing to help and everyone will listen to Danté and I. I doubt anyone would try and harm the lunas cause of how strong they are. We just have to keep them safe.

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