Chapter 7

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Elara's pov

I woke up and Cain wasn't there. I got up and looked around for him. I walked out of the room and looked around. The place was empty. I walked down stair and heard two different male voices. I hid behind a wall and hoped they didnt see me. "Elara. You can come out." I heard mr. Hudson say. I peaked out and saw he was standing with another man. I walked towards him and kept my eye on the stranger.

"Elara this is the beta. Jaxon. Cain's best friend." Mr. Hudson introduced. Jaxon smiled at me and I did smell Cain scent on him but it was faint.

"Its nice to meet you Elara." Jaxon said and reached his hand out to shake mine. I hesitated but shook his hand. Jaxon was almost as tall as Cain. Jaxon had brown eyes and black curly hair. He stood up straight and he was holding a glass with a liquid. Smelled like whiskey.

I stayed silent but Jaxon waited for me to say something. "Whats going on here?" I looked to see Cain and I ran to him I hugged him and he looked at Jaxon. "You scared of Jaxon arent you?" Cain questioned. I stayed silent and looked up at him. "Its okay princess. He wont do anything." Cain said. I looked at Jaxon and gave him a small smile.

"Its nice to meet you too." I said. Jaxon smiled back and Mr Hudson left the room.

"Elara. Let me show you something." Jaxon said. He was walking to another room. Cain walked with me cause god knows I wasnt going without him. We walked into a eoom with a big screen tv and other things. It looked amazing but I had no idea what the stuff was.

"Cain, what is this?" I asked. Cain sat on the sofa that stood in front of the tv.

"This is the pack's gaming room. We come here when we have frre time and we are bored." Jaxon said. I looked around and was confused. What's gaming? I gave Cain a confused look and he gave me a shocked look.

"Have you never played games before?" He asked.

"What's a game?" I asked. Jaxon gasped out loud.

"You dont know what games are. Let me show you." Jaxon said and lead me to a box with a small tv on it. There were sticks and buttons on it. The pictures were moving and a guy with lots of muscles was smashing a building.

"This is a called a video game. These are how you control your character. Let me show you." Jaxon started the game and the man started smashing the building. A man with a yellow hat and a gold hammer then walked in. He started fixing the building.

"Your that tiny guy?" I asked. Jaxon nodded. For the rest of the day, Jaxon showed me how to play each game and then let me play it on my own and it was fun. Jaxon beat me in the two player games but after a while, I got the hang of it and I started to win.

Jaxon got mad but I laughed and continued to win. "How? You just learned how to plah games." Jaxon said. I giggled at Jaxon's pouting face. I looked for Cain but he wasnt there.

"Where did Cain go?" I asked. I walked to the door but Jaxon stopped me.

"You cant leave. There is one mkre game you havent tried yet." He said and pulled me to the table. He put a game with this small sticks that can stand down. "Chess. Lets teach you." He said. He told me the rules of the game and we had a practise round. After the practise round I realised this was based on smarts and strategy. We played the game and I won on the first try.

"Oh come on!" Jaxon yelled. I laughed. "How do you always win?" He asked.

"I guess I am a fast learner." I said. I got up and walked to the door and Jaxon stopped me again. "What is going on? Why cant I leave?" I asked. Sropping me once was fine but doing it again is absurd. Jaxon just smiled at me before he act up spoke.

"Its just you can't leave. Not yet." He said. I was growing impatient with him and he was stsrting to annoy me.

"Move." I warned him. He looked at me with a bit of shock but he didnt budge. He stood in front of the door and didnt let me out. "Jaxon, Im warning you. Get out of my way!" I said. Jaxon stood tall. He towered over me and I could see that hus wolf took over. His eyes went from brown to black.

"Sorry but I cant do that." He said.

I grew angry and this time I wasnt having it. Do whatever you want but to tell me to stay in a room with a someone I just met wont work. Jaxon looked at me with bit of confusion and shock. I felt this burst of power and it felt nice. "Jaxon! Get out of my way!" I growled. I pushed him aside and felt something weird. My lips tingled and not in a good way.

I ran out of the room and what I saw next broke me. Cain was kissing another girl. The girl had blonde her and she was presing up against him. I loud growl came from me and they broke the kiss. The next thing I knew, I had the girl against the wall with my hand around her throat and blood slowly dripped from my arm. "Elara!" Cain called out.

This girl looked at me with fear. Her deep blue eyes hid no emotion. She was scared and her tears proved it. The smell of blood was annoying me. I followed the blood that was on my arm to the girls neck. Why did this feel so natural?

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