Chapter 16

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Elara's pov

Its been a week since Cole joined us. He proved himself trustful as he reported that Luke was planning to kidnap me. Cain got furious and I had to calm him down. Bella was happy that she could have her mate but she would be sad when he leaves to blood cove every night. I was surprised when Shuri came out kf nowhere and just spoke. I never knew she could do that until that day.

I was now in the kitchen, eating breakfast with a sad Bella. Cole hasn't come back yet and she was worried. "Bells. He will come soon. Luke probably gave him another task. He only trust Cole to do something this important. Trust me." I said and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and ate her breakfast.

This whole situation was messed up. No hunters have been spotted for a week and I was glad. Too much was going on already. "Ela. Do you trust Cole?" Bella asked me. Did I trust him? No I didnt. Not after what he did. Shuri never said it aloud cause Cain would've killed him. Istayed silent and looked at Bella. "Ill take that as a no." She said disappointed.

"Believe me if he... nevermind. As long as he doesn't hurt you." I said. She noticed I wanted to say something else but I kept it to myself. I went to the living room and turned on the tv. I put on this show called Hotel Transylvania. It looked interesting.

While I was watching, I heard someone walk towards me. I looked to see Cain. He sat next to me and pulled me ontop of his lap. I giggked and kissed his cheek. "Someone's tired." I said as I played with his hair.

"Am not. I just need a break from everyone." He said. I turned to face him and kissed his lips. They were soft. I moved my hips forward and Cain stopled the kiss and rest his head on the sofa. "Do it again. He likes it." Shuri said excited. I know. I told her.

I grinded against him and he placed his hands on my lips. I giggled as he moaned. "Fuck baby. Your making me hard." He said. His member poked my inner thigh and I brushed my hand over it. He moved my hips as he moaned. I should do this more often to him. I thought to myself.

"Hey Cain, I found... and I am leaving." Jaxon said as he walked in then back out. I got off Cain's lap and he growled.

This better be worth it Jaxon." Cain said. Jaxon walked back in and I just stayed silent.

"Okay. The hunters are planning to surround the house. They plan on attacking either tomorrow and the day after. I did double the patrol but they seemd determined." Jaxon said. I growled and so did Cain. Jaxon looked a bit scared. Looks like our luna is fearless." Jaxon smiled.

He was right. I changed a lot this past week. Especially since Cole is here. Maybe I faced my fear. Cain smiled at me then looked back at Jaxon. Tell everyone to meet in the hall before dinner. Im going to call in a favour from the neighboring pack." Cain said. Jaxon left and Cain pulled me back on his lap. "Can you continue please baby." He asked and I giggled.

I did it again and Cain seemed to have to much fun with this. I stopped when someone cleared their throat and it was Cain's mother. I hid next to Cain and she just chuckled. "I like that you guys are having fun but do it privately." She said. I blushed and shrunk further into the sofa. I hear Cain laughing and that made me blush harder.

Cain picked me up and took me to the room. He placed me on the bed and layed on top of me. He started kissing me and trailed down to my neck. I held back a moan. This felt so good. I heard a knock at the door and let out a low growl. Cain chose to ignore it. Then the person on the othersidr spoke.

"Alpha, Luna. Im sorry to disturb but there is someone here. She said her name is Anne." We heard Massey say. I froze. Cain noticed how I just stopped. If I could I would stop breathing too. Cain stood up and I practically ran out of the room.

I wentdown stairs and there she was sitting on the sofa. I voud sense her fear and nervousness. I walked up to her and when she saw me she stood up. "What do you think your doing here?" I asked in a low voice.

"Please dont be mad. I have a reason." She said. Her hands were shaking and you could see the sweat on her forehead.

"It better be good." I said. Cain pulled me back andbhis eyes were pitch black. Anne lowered her head and took a step back.

"State your business." Cain said. I heard footsteps and saw Mr. Hudson walk in.

"Im Anne Franklin. I am Luke's mate." She said. Cain growled but I held him back. As much as I wanted to hurt her she did once promise to help me escape if our first plan didnt work. "I have bad news. Luke put Cole in the dungeon." She said.

"What?" We turned to see Bella. My heart dropped to see her. She heard what Anne said. I could see the trars form in her eyes. Mr. Hudson took her out of the room and we took this meeting to Cain's office.

"Continue." Cain said as he settled into his seat. I stood by the door. Not wanting to be near her.

"He said that Luke had to spend a two days in the dungeon. I dont know why but I think he knows something." Anne said.

"His my sister's mate." Cain said. Was he really telling her this?

"Oh. Elara. You have to get away from here. He is after you." Anne said.

"Im not going anywhere." I said. Anne sighed. She knew something. "What do you know?" I asked.

"Luke. He wants to rule the wolf kingdom."

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