Chapter twenty two

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Long chapter. NOT EDITED

"Race us again?" Adeylia's chirpy voice echoed around the dinner table, she was talking to Arthur. She had grown rather fond of Arthur.

"Maybe in a bit Adeylia." He grunted, everyone was hungover. Holding their heads and hardly being able to have a few bites of breakfast.

"Tommy? Please?" Adeylia whined and Lily shook her head.

"Adeylia we've all just woken up, Tommy and Arthur probably are too tired at the moment." Lily held her head, causing Adeylia to slouch back in her seat.

"I mean, why can't they? He's their dad after all. Isn't that right Tommy?" Lizzie spoke up, causing Lily's stomach to drop and choke back her orange juice.

The kids didn't know yet, Lily didn't know when to tell them or how to tell them and she had gathered people knew by the way the kids called Tommy by his name instead of 'Dad'.

"Tommy's our dad?" Adeylia furrowed her eyebrows, confusion written all over her face. The other family members stayed silent as Lily looked at Tom for a little help.

"That was un needed Lizzie." Polly scolded as Tom sighed. It wasn't the right time.

"But I thought Edward was our daddy?" Adeylia cocked her head as Lily felt embarrassed, she could already see the grin on Lizzie's face.

"Multiple fathers? How mature." Lizzie spoke, causing Lily to close her eyes in annoyance.

"Enough Lizzie." Toms voice spoke, as he gave Lily's knee a squeeze under the table.

It fell right over the top of Adeylia and Ezra's head as they carried on rambling about the night, hardly anybody was listening. But it was still sweet.

"Any plans for you two today then?" Ada rested her chin on the back of her hands as Lily frowned, she needed to get back home. But she didn't exactly want too.

"We all must get back on the fields." Polly smiled as everybody started discussing their plans for leaving.

"We have the wedding tonight, my youngest Ann is finally getting married." Aberama smiled as he held onto Pols hand.

"I forgot about that. A wedding eh?" Tom lit up a cigarette, Lily often wondered about gypsy weddings and it was on her bucket list to go to one.

"Yes, on the south west coast. Ann's favourite place."

"Right I've got some work to do." Tom quickly excused himself as Lily listened to Aberama droning on about the wedding.

Tiredly, Lily walked up the stairs as she finished playing hide and seek with the kids. Lily made her way to Toms office before knocking on the door, waiting for his approval to come in.

"Hello." Lily smiled, sitting down on the chair in front of him.

"How do you fancy a gypsy wedding?" Tom stared at Lily as her mouth parted a little.

"Ann's?" Lily questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes, I'll get us a vardo to stay, and the maids can look after the children for a night." Tom walked around to behind her and massaged her tense shoulders.

"Tommy... Everybody's already left, we'll be late! Plus I have no clothes..." Lily trailed off, of course she'd of loved to go - but it was so late already.

"We'll figure a way. If you want to go, we should leave now before it gets later. You can borrow my clothes."

After some hesitation, Lily had agreed. As they sat in the car on the way to the wedding, it was a few hours drive but the wedding wouldn't start until this evening, most of the family had just gotten an early start to settle down.

Daddy Issues; Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now