"I don't blame you," Yuuto stated. "Poor guy."

Jimin raised a confused eyebrow at Yuuto, not really understanding his comment. "It's hard for guys to feel rejected when they're usually the ones rejecting people."

"First of all, I think that's a little sexist of you to say. Second of all, Jeno doesn't reject a lot of people."

"Whatever you say, princess," Yuuto cooed. Jimin narrowed her eyes at him, disapproving of the nickname.

"Don't call me princess," she snapped.

Yuuto smirked at her cockily. "Sure, I won't. Princess."

Jimin stared at him for a second, and then she made a sudden realization. He was intentionally being an ass in order to distract her from what just happened with Jeno. And she felt incredibly grateful all of a sudden. She let out a light laugh and shook her head. "What are you still doing here?"

"You know, meet and greet with the fans," Yuuto joked, smirking again.

Jimin shook her head at him. "You're oh so humble, I see."

"Very," Jimin agreed, grinning. "How about you?"

"Haven't heard me boasting about anything, have you?" Jimin snapped back, raising her eyebrows. She liked this banter with Yuuto - it didn't stress her out. She didn't really care what Yuuto was thinking about it, and she wasn't looking into it. She wasn't sure how Yuuto could have that effect, but she wasn't going to question it at all.

Yuuto shrugged. "Guess not. Aeri seems to think that you're pretty cool, though," he commented.

"Really?" Jimin asked, tilting her head slightly.

"She's been through a lot of stuff, and her friends mean everything to her. She loves having a lot, but she doesn't choose people that she likes lightly. You drew her attention quickly, so you better be a good friend to her," Yuuto said, suddenly sounding almost threatening.

"I don't intend to be a bad friend to her, Yuuto. Honestly, I'm still surprised she even noticed me," Jimin admitted.

Yuuto sighed. "I know, sorry. I'm just very protective of her. She doesn't deserve any bullshit in her life, you know?" Jimin looked over this boy carefully, analyzing his expression. She could tell that he really did care about his sister - no surprise there of course.

"I know what you mean," Jimin said.

"Do you have siblings?" Yuuto asked, curious all of a sudden. Jimin smirked, simply because Minjeong had asked her the same question earlier.

"No, but I know that Aeri doesn't deserve bullshit. None of you deserve bullshit. And neither do I. And neither does Jeno. But sometimes, it just happens. Don't worry, I don't intend to inflict bullshit on any of you, as long as you don't intend to do so on me," Jimin stated formally. Yuuto smiled.

"I like you, Jimin. You're cool," he decided.

Jimin let out a light laugh and tilted her head. How was it that this group of people she had just met suddenly liked her so much? Was she really that likable? Then again, it was weird how friendships worked in the first place. Jimin supposed that no one could really explain why everyone in the group got along so well with Jimin aside from saying that they would make good friends.

"I heard you're coming to our hang-out on Saturday?" Yuuto asked. Jimin nodded.

"I'm looking forward to it," she said.


From Minjeong- Dodging calls from my sister :P I managed to avoid her mostly when she was here, but she managed to talk to me a little bit, and I avoided the topic I didn't want her to ask me about, but now she won't stop calling me.

To Minjeong- Maybe she's worried about you? Sorry, I don't really know the context.

Jimin wondered if Minjeong would tell her about the thing that she didn't want to talk to her sister about, but she had a feeling that the copper-haired wasn't going to. Which was fine to Jimin, because everyone was entitled to their privacy, and Minjeong didn't owe any explanations to Jimin.

From Minjeong- You're fine. She is worried about me. But what she wants to talk about is something that I don't want to talk about. Maybe that means that she does have something to worry about, but either way, I don't want her to talk to me about it, and she needs to understand that.

To Minjeong- I guess I understand. That's like how I am with my mom. She never leaves me alone about some things.

From Minjeong- I wish my mom was like that. She doesn't even know about the thing that my sister wants to talk to me about, because she never has time to pay attention to me.

It was weird, it occurred to Jimin, how differently two people could view situations. Jimin hated the pressure from her mom, and Minjeong wished that she had more, since she had none. It was an interesting thing, perspective. And as her eyes rose away from her phone, they locked on the half finished sketch of her dad, and she had an idea. She needed to change the perspective. Not of that drawing, but the leaf. She was using her own perspective to draw the leaf, but that was boring. Anyone could just look at a leaf.

She began to drift into her mind as she thought about how she would change the perspective of her drawing in class the next day, and then her phone buzzed and drew her out of her head.

From Minjeong- Did I scare you away already? ;P

To Minjeong- Sorry! I had an art epiphany and got distracted!

From Minjeong- Go off and be an art genius then! I'm a little worn out, so I think I'm going to head to bed.

Jimin felt her lips turn down in a frown. She liked talking to Minjeong, even via text. It was like a reprieve from the hard parts of life and the conflicting thoughts in her mind - even though Minjeong herself brought up more conflicting thoughts.

To Minjeong- Okay. Goodnight, Minjeong.

From Minjeong- Goodnight, Jimin. :) Sleep well.

To Minjeong- You, too. :)

She locked her phone and exhaled, before realizing that a smile was playing on her face, even though she had just been frowning. Thinking of Minjeong made her smile, for whatever reason.

A bit formed in her stomach as she realized that she felt butterflies when talking to the copper-haired. Was that weird?

Jimin took a deep breath. She felt something just under her skin, almost as if on the tip of her thoughts, that she would need to think about soon. But she didn't want to in this moment, and she wouldn't let herself just yet.

Instead, she curled up in her bed, briefly aware that she hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and let herself get lulled into a faint sleep.

FLOWER | WinrinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora