Lucifer- the devil and SHIELD

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"If you talk to him, then you can treat my wounds," he said after several moments of silence.

I nodded pulled out my phone and called the last number to call me, putting it on speaker. After three rings he picked up, "Fury."

"Fury, what of accommodations?" I asked.

"For whom?" Fury asked.

"You know perfectly well who I'm talking about. Does Lucifer have to stay in this building? What about a safe house?"

"No agent would take him, they're all scared of him," Fury said.

I rolled my eyes, "but not so scared that they'll come in here and beat him? I caught one of them today."

"No agent will take him," Fury repeated.

"I will then," I said. I was probably going to regret this. I had a spare room that he could stay in. It wouldn't be the first time I stuck my neck out, I hadn't regretted it yet. I just knew it was better to expect to be betrayed than believe you wouldn't be, that way it wouldn't hurt as much.

"Fine, I'll send the paperwork down then," Fury said hanging up. 

I put my phone down looking up at Lucifer, "I'll get the kit and wash."  I gathered supplies and washed my hands before I started working on cleaning his wounds. Some of them would be a trick to wrap. In the middle of treatment, Fury came in and set the paperwork down by my bag.

"So his wounds are finally being treated, it's about time." I rolled my eyes. "You know he can't be seen, if people find out..."

"People can't know about mutants, the paranormal, or the divine, I know. It would only scare them or make the rabid religious fools even more rabid." I knew what people did to each other, especially in the name of religion. He had told me a hundred times. If people knew what really existed out in the world, they would never leave their houses. If the aliens looked and acted like Superman or Thor or even Aqua man they were okay with them, but should they look slightly different from us or heaven forbid do what Loki did, they were then labeled 'evil'.

"You'll have to wait till dark to move him," Fury said leaving. I ignored him and finished my work. Fury would know what I wanted and needed; his things released back to him and if he had a bank account that had to be re-activated. 

I finished cleaning and wrapping his wounds. "Can I borrow your phone? There's someone I need to call, I kind of disappeared on her." I unlocked my phone and passed it to him. I grabbed the paperwork and sat back down in my chair and started reading. I could hear him talking to someone but I tried to tune it out. 

At some point, I heard the person on the other line yelling, "You think you can just come back after disappearing and not saying anything for a year!" I froze, he had been here that long? Some of these agents had no regard for those left behind or the lives they ruined. I did my best to ignore the rest of the conversation and his begging tone. I could still hear her shouting. I caught him looking at me with a begging look. 

I moved to sit beside him and took my phone back, "Hello ma'am, this is Deputy Lucy Barnes."

Before I could continue she cut me off, "Are you the one he's cheating on me with?" there were several more insults thrown into the mix.

"STOP!" I said in a strong tone. The sharp and quick snap of my voice did its job. "Lucifer wanted to inform you that he was now safe. He didn't leave by choice, a secret government agency took him. I'm not allowed to say more than that. I'll do what I can to get him home." Before I could say more or give the phone back to Lucifer she hung up.

"She's never going to forgive me," he said hanging his head. I would be mad to in her situation, but if it was my person, I would be so glad to hear from them. Even through the anger and confusion, I would just be glad that they were okay.

"She may give her time." Of course, I couldn't promise anything. "Is there anyone else you'd like to call?"

"No one from my past will want anything to do with me," he replied. I just hummed in response, I knew the feeling. The one person I wanted was gone and out of my reach. That was another story. Then after the war with Thanos, most everyone I knew was either dead, retired, or moved far, far away. 

Another person came into the room carrying a box, I didn't recognize this person. "These are his effects," the agent said putting the box on the desk before leaving.

I sighed at the rudeness of the agent. "What do you want to know about me?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked.

"Can you expand on that?" I replied. There were things I wanted to know why they had to happen the way they did. There were so many whys in my life, I sighed at the thought.

"Why take me in? Why aren't you afraid? Everyone tries to get away from me when they see me in this form, even if causes them harm."

"Then they are fools," I replied. He cocked his head at me, his red eyes glowing in the low light. "Working within this agency, I've met a lot of individuals with unique appearances, I've seen individuals that look a lot more bizarre than you do. Besides, have you seen the stuff horror movies come up with?" I had seen scarier stuff in movies than him.

"Ok, so maybe you're stupid to not be afraid of me, you still haven't answered my other question."

I laughed at being called stupid, a real laugh. It had been so long since I had laughed. "Maybe," I agreed. "I am an atheist." I continued to laugh. "As for your other question, you're not going to get a chance in here. If you're to get home, you first need to get out of this building, and isn't that basis of the religion Jesus created? Love all." 

He sighed, "You mean have a babysitter?"

"Kind of, but think of me as more of a hall monitor in a college dorm. I'm there to enforce the rules and protect you from the outside world. And speaking of rules, my house will have a couple of them to follow: don't bring strangers into my house, no smoking inside, and if you do smoke the butts are to be put in a bin of some sort. This bin will be your responsibility to take care of. I don't want the butts thrown on the ground. And the last one, take care of your needs, such as laundry, getting food when hungry, clean up after yourself, and other basics."  

"Fair enough I suppose," he replied.

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