Sapnap peaked over, seeing the familiar peak over the mast.
"So you haven't met the new member yet have you..?" He happily smirked.. his ticket out of here.

They tilted there head to the side.
"Since when the hell we have a new member?" He scratched the back of his head.
"Is that why the hunters were after us..?"

Sapnap shrugged, making his way over.
"Yes yes, but don't worry- you two might get along." He walked near the mast.

They watched as Sapnap carefully pulled the stranger from behind the mast.
"I heard there was someone getting close with the captain." He hummed.
"I didn't assume it was a new kid."

Sapnap carefully rested his hands on the brunettes.
"This is George." He smiled.
"He's also a sea creature."

George awkwardly stood, looking at the new person.
"Sorry- I was only watching.." he interlocked his fingers.

"Don't worry, there's no harm." They shook there head, holding there hand out.
"My names Punz, i managing things below deck usually- and the crew during the night time." He smiled.

"I don't usually come out during the night, I assumed everyone's asleep." George took the time to look at punz's features.. he seemed to have.. shark..? Like appearances...?

Punz shrugged.. waving his hand.
"Don't worry about it." He hummed.

"I'll leave you two to get to know each other, I'm going to go find Karl." Sapnap quickly slid away.. leaving the sword behind..

He didn't want to train anymore-

George watched as Sapnap quickly dashed off.
"I don't think he wants to train anymore." He lightly chuckle.

"Yeah, I assumed so" Punz rolled his eyes, resting his hands on his hips.
"If you don't mind me asking.. what's your role on the ship..?" He glanced at George.

"I don't have one yet.." George quietly mumbled.. lowering his head.
"I spend my time in the library.." he rested his hands at his side, standing tall.

Punz furrowed his brows.
"You were a 'server' at one point?" He quietly mumbled.
"You attended to others.."

George's eyes widened as he perked up.
"How did you know..?" He tilted his head.

"Your stance." Punz pointed, resting his hands on his hips.
"It's one of a prostitute." He frowned.

"I never officially became one, but I was forced through training so I could mimic one." George awkwardly rubbed his arm.
"If I was ever forced to marry." He mumbled quietly.

Punz frowned.. tilting his head.
"We're you going to be sent off to marry then..?" He lightly hummed.

George softly shrugged, confused himself if he was.
"Not anymore, I'm perfectly happy where I am." He happily smiled.
"I like who i'm with."

"I'm glad." Punz had a sigh of relief.
"I was about to feel pity for you." He shook his head.

George nodded his head.
"Don't worry about it." He glanced back, seeing the library door.

"You share the library with the captain, do you not?" Punz pointed at the door, growing curious.
"Correct me if I'm wrong." He mumbled.

George happily smiled, nodding his head.
"I do!" He interlocked his fingers together.
"It's really nice... it's very quiet and peaceful."

"So... are you and Dream-" Punz pointed at George before at the library.

George smiled happily, lightly shrugging.
"I'd hope we are." He felt happy talking about it.
"He's a good person and I like him a lot."

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