Chapter 12

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 Exhaustion washed over Jay as he dragged his feet into his bedroom. He rubbed his eyes, yawning. He, Nya, and Zane had just gotten back from tracking Matteo down. They had a bit of a skirmish with him, but sadly had been unable to catch him. Zane had still managed to scan him and receive his information, although the nindroid had been too tired to look through it then. After the three of them rested they'd gather the others and discuss what they found.

Jay faced his mirror as he passed it. He observed his disheveled brown hair, the faint outline of bags under his eyes. Then he looked down at the nunchucks in his belt and drew them out. Dragging his gaze back to the mirror, he stared at himself and the nunchucks.

Suddenly, Nya's face flashed in front of him. There was deep fear in her eyes, and Jay saw nunchucks fly toward her before her cry of pain rang through his head.

Gasping, Jay jolted back to reality. He stumbled backward, crashing into the wall. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt sweat form on his face. He lifted his shaky hands to grip his hair, throwing his nunchucks across the room. As he watched them hit the ground, he flinched at the sound and heard Cole scream in his ears.

No! Jay buried his face in his hands, struggling to breathe normally. He slid to the floor, trembling while he panicked.

"Jay!" Nya's voice came again. Only it sounded more real this time. "Jay, are you okay?"

The girl was in his doorframe, but instantly ran over to him. Sitting beside him, she rested a hand on his shoulder. "Jay—"

Instinctively, Jay jerked away from her. "No!" he choked out, curling tighter around himself. "D-don't come near me!"

Nya ignored him as she moved closer. "Jay, it's okay..." She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her chest.

Jay gasped for breath, sinking into her embrace. Sobs wracked his body as tears spilled down his cheeks. Nya ran her fingers through his hair. "It's only in your head, Jay," she whispered soothingly.

"I-I'm sorry," Jay whimpered, rubbing the spot on her shoulder he remembered hitting. "I-I'm sorry I hurt you..."

"I know, Jay," Nya murmured. She drew away to look into his eyes. "And I forgave you the first time you apologized."

Jay sniffled, rubbing his nose. "Y-you were scared," he rasped out. "I-I can't get your face out of my head."


"I scared everybody."

Nya took his hands in hers. "That's all in the past, Jay," she comforted. "You've changed now. Changed into the caring, goofy guy you've always been." She cupped his face in her hands. "The guy I've always loved."

Jay sniffled again, staring into her eyes. "W-what about Cole?" he asked with another sob. "I-I hurt him really bad."

Nya wiped her thumbs under his eyes, catching his tears. "He's forgiven you, too."

"He almost killed himself."

"That wasn't your fault. Just as much as it wasn't Kai's, or Lloyd's. Nobody meant for that to happen."

Jay wiped tears from his eyes. "Lloyd—Lloyd still doesn't know about that," he sniffled.

Nya frowned. "We all agreed it would be too much for him to handle," she reminded him.

"Isn't that like saying it was his fault?" Jay pointed out.

Nya didn't reply.

"He should know," Jay went on. "I'd want to know."

Flames of the Past #2: Beginning of Chaos (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now