Chapter 6

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The girl laughed as she sped down the hall. "That was too easy!"

Her brother panted as he caught up to her. "Those ninja really fell for it!" he giggled. "The Dark Lord will be so pleased with us!"

"Do you think the ninja caught Fay?"

"No way!" the boy answered enthusiastically. "Fay wouldn't let that happen!"

The two rounded a corner.

"What about the little girl?" the girl asked. "Do you think Fay will really be able to kidnap her?"

The boy shrugged. "The Dark Lord said it's a win either way, so I guess it doesn't matter," he pointed out.

The siblings laughed again, then all of a sudden—


Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

"What's that?" the boy hissed.

"Shh!" The girl glanced around as they skidded to a halt. They listened, but everything had gone silent again.


The boy gasped.

The girl spun around and felt her heart leap into her throat. Her brother was still as stone, his eyes glazing over. A knife handle stuck out of his back.

A moment later, the boy collapsed to the ground.

"Cody!" she shouted, dropping to her knees. She pulled off her mask and rested a hand on the boy's arm, breath quickening in panic.

He had no pulse.

The girl looked up, suddenly afraid. She rose to her feet again and backed away from the body, glancing all around. Who had killed her brother?

Suddenly, footsteps pounded toward her.

With a gasp, she began running in the opposite direction. She couldn't see anyone, but she knew the ninja had their way of sneaking around.

Her heart raced a million miles a minute. Someone was chasing her. She gripped the Fire Crystal tightly in her suit, determined not to lose it. She would bring it back to her master. That was her mission. She would complete it.

Searing pain ripped through her shoulder.

The girl shrieked, fumbling sideways. She touched her shoulder and felt fresh blood. The knife that had cut her stuck out of the floor a few feet away. She was about to go grab it when someone fell from the ceiling and blocked her path.

Gasping, the girl stumbled backward. She looked up and found herself face-to-face with the green ninja.

She had heard the stories about the cruel leader of the ninja. About his past of villainy. And by the cold fire in his eyes now, she was no short of terrified.

"You're just a kid," Lloyd growled, stalking closer.

The girl moved backward, fumbling around for her weapons.

Lloyd gripped his sword handle. "What a shame," he muttered.

His sword came at her and she ducked, flipping backward. Then she yanked out her rod and whipped it to its full size. When Lloyd struck again, she met his blade with her weapon, struggling under his strength. He lashed out, sending her flying against the wall.

She rolled out of the way as he went to stab her head. His sword instead flew into the wall and he struggled to free it. Seeing her chance, the girl struck her rod at his head.

Her blow never landed.

Lloyd had caught the rod. Growling, the ninja lifted it and threw it across the hall, the girl along with it. She gasped as she hit the wall, pain aching through her. Starting after her, Lloyd yanked the knife from the floor and swiped it at her. The girl quickly blocked the blade, but he was much stronger and her arms grew shaky. Instead, she kicked at his chest, but the ninja didn't budge in the slightest.

Flames of the Past #2: Beginning of Chaos (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now