Wanda rolled the window down and stuck her head out. Both men stood on the concrete, still and silent. They were slightly concerned for their own safety from her crimson eyes.

"Your confidence in me is so reassuring." Wanda smiled a bitter smile, and her eye's were squinting from the sun. She looked like one vexed witch.

Clint rolled his eye's. She wouldn't do a thing. It was all show. He walked around his large truck and then hopped into the driver's seat. He smirked over in her direction and she snarled at him. His reply was chuckling.

One person was left for the road trip.

Wanda looked at Vision expectantly. He was still standing with no expression donning on his purple features.


His answer was short. "I think it'd be best if I flew there."

Wanda scrunched up her nose and shook her head. If she had to drive for more than two hours— so did he. After all, she still had no clue as to why he was even there. Maybe the long drive would slip some answers in her favor.

"Get in the car, it's not going to keel you." Her voice said, 'dare me'. Wanda wouldn't have it any other way.

Vision looked at her with a blank stare, thinking, and then opened the door to the back. He didn't say anything, he just— did it. The android was so tall, he almost touched the ceiling with his head. Wanda hid her odd smile that wasn't supposed to be there and looked out the window in annoyance. She didn't know why, but the two men in the car were the only people who could make her smile. Wanda felt bad for smiling and laughing, she felt as if... She was betraying Pietro, in a way. Was she to be denied happiness everywhere she went?

Clint started the car and began their journey. Nothing too exciting happened... Wanda was thankful for the short time she had with her friend: silence.

After a few minute's of this said silence, Clint muttered something about 'too quiet', and turned on the stereo. Wanda almost flinched when it came blaring out. What was worse, was that he didn't bother to turn it down.

...shake it for me, girl...

"Country girl, shake it for me girl..." Clint sang his heart out, and Wanda almost felt her ears crack. That was not his real voice, she knew this because she could usually detect when someone was actually quite good at singing, but this— this abomination, she knew he had to be doing a poorly job on purpose.

Clint looked over to see her discomfort. Smirking, he turned it up much to the displeasure of her ears, and then sang louder.

"Somebody's sweet little farmer's child, That got it in her blood to get a little wild..." He sang the last bit off-pitch on purpose; she could grudgingly tell.

I wonder... Wanda's thoughts soon turned to mischievous ones and she smirked. Looking at the stereo she focused on it, and through her concentration, the music changed.

...I see fire, Burnin' the mountai-...

"No. What did you do? Why can't I change it?" Clint's immediate response made Wanda fill with revengeful glee. She felt her mood gain more joy as he pressed the buttons franticly and tried to change the station. He whipped his head to her and tried to drive at the same time. Wanda was slightly frightened when he swerved on the road from the sudden outburst.

"Listen kid, my car, my music. You're the guest, and that means you get to sit and listen."

"I am," She said matter-of-factly. "And let me jest say... Ed Sheeran? Is that who dis is? He is amazing."

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