"Are you kidding me?" Sen held up the shirt. "This shade of orange is awful. It makes me look washed out, it clashes with my eyes, it'll make my braces and teeth look crazy yellow, and- What the- Luke, what sizing is this?!" She held the shirt up. "That thing's gonna go down to my knees! How come when you people made these shirts, you made them longer as you size up instead of wider? Some of us need a size large because we are chubby. And some of us chubs are not tall and chubby, we are short and chubby." For added effect, she balled up the shirt and tossed it up to Luke, who caught it. He blinked in surprise as he looked down at his own shirt, realizing Sen was right- for some reason, the shirts were narrow and long the bigger they got. At that point, Sen should just put on a dress.

Luke just held up the shirt. "Ooooo...kay? I mean, I might be able to get something else..."

"I will wear any shirt, no matter how big, if it was not so violently orange. The shirt would not be a big deal in any other color, but why neon orange?! Nobody looks good in neon orange."

Luke looked down at his neon orange shirt again and raised an eyebrow, though Sen didn't tell him anything different. She just pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

Luke didn't seem to know if he should be offended or not. "I- Okay. You fight a Minotaur, but throw a fit over neon orange?"

"I have standards," Sen said blankly.

To her surprise, Luke just smiled. "Fine. Let me go grab something else."

Luke returned a few minutes later and held up a random teal t-shirt, waiting for approval. It was a little big, but Sen didn't care. Anything but neon orange. She smiled and nodded, which pleased Luke as he handed it to her.

"Nice to know your feelings about neon orange," Luke said. "The other stuff is fine?"

"Yep," Sen said, grabbing the denim shorts. "Anything but neon orange."

"What about neon yellow?"

"Neon yellow looks good with my blue braces," Sen said. "Not neon orange. Neon orange is just- blech."

Luke rolled his eyes and left the room. "Whatever. You're a little weird."

"I get told that a lot."

Sen quickly got changed and used a hairtie to tie off the end of the teal shirt, though the sleeves still fell to her elbows. She found her old shoes in the corner. The pink converse had been cleaned and smelled fresh, which was unusual, since they had been disgusting since she was eleven. When most people looked at her shoes in the past, they didn't even know they were pink. Now, they looked like the day she got them.

Sen opened the door and found Luke leaning on the wall, his hands shoved in his pockets. "Ready?"

Sen closed the door behind her. "Can I see Percy first?"

"He's still asleep," Luke said, "so make it quick."

He led her to a different room and Sen peeked in, finding Percy still dead asleep on the bed. She ran in and looked over him, making sure he wasn't hurt or anything. On the other end of the room, she saw the Minotaur horn, just enforcing the fact that it had been real.

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