|47| - Unbreakable Bond

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Finn dashed into his house, calling everyone to the living room. Everyone came in and sat together. Lucy was no where to be seen after Kol told her to leave. And Kol was missing too.

"Where is Kol?" Finn asked, looking around.

"Don't know," Henrik began. "He said he needed air and left."

"You didn't stop him?"

"Not after all the chaos." Henrik shook his head, remembering the angry Kol lashing out at Lucy as she cried. "I am more worried about Sister Lucy."

"Me too," Bonnie frowned, looking down. "I tried to call her, but she isn't picking up. And she didn't look too well. I tried the locator spell too. Got nothing."

"I tried looking for her all around the town," Mikael sighed, missing Lucy. "She's not here in town."

"Maybe she's cloaking herself and using her invisibility," Dahlia stood up and walked over to Finn. "What is it that you wanted to say?"

"The kids. Cole, Laura, Kim, and Cory. They are missing. Lizzie and Josie told me that they were staying with Hope at her house. I call Elijah to check, but he said they never came. I checked the school and dorms. They weren't there."

"Oh dear," Esther placed a hand over her chest with a worried expression. "What's happening to this family? It's like everything is falling apart..." 

Mikael placed a hand on her back, comforting her. "We will find them all soon. Don't worry, my love."

"Whatcha all doing here?" A voice asked from the entrance. They all turned at saw Kim with Cole, Laura, and Cory behind her. "Are we having another family meeting or something?"

"OH GOD!" Dahlia and Esther rushed over to them and hugged them all. 

"We were all so worried. Where did you all go?!" Esther asked with a frown, pulling away.

"Who cares. They are home safely. That's all that matters." Dahlia exhales in relief, after checking all of them for wounds. 

The kids shared a look, feeling relieved that they don't have to explain where and what they were doing. But that was before Finn narrowed his eyes, folding his arms over his chest. "I care."

Kim took a thick gulp, feeling intimidated by Finn's glare. Finn rarely got mad at them, but when he did, he would burst out with a lot of scolding and would end up grounding them for a week.

"Where were you all? What were you doing? You weren't doing drugs and alcohol, right?"

"No, no. You can test our breath and all. We swear we didn't do any of that." Kim rumbled on frantically.

"Then, what did you do and where?"

"Uh... Cole, you want to tell him?" Kim turned to Cole with a 'save us' look with her hands together.

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 (𝐊𝐨𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now