|39| - Expectations

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Lucy tied her hair into a fishtail braid, while standing in-front of the mirror. She turns around, hearing her husband curse under his breath, while trying to button up his white shirt. She approaches him and helps him button up.

"Nervous?" She questions in a whisper.

"No... Just hungry."

She smiled, seeing him avert his eyes and scratching the back of his neck. "Then, drink blood from the fridge." She suggested, walking back to the mirror to put on some some colored lipstick.

"Oh- No. I mean, I need to be hungry for the dinner, right?"

She smirked inwardly. "Whatever you say."

Lucy kissed his lips, wrapping her arms around his torso and mumbled, "it's going to be fine... Don't worry. Me, Finn, Henrik, and Bonnie will there too."

He placed his forehead on hers and hummed in agreement. "But let's get one thing straight." He pulled back to look at her. "If Niklaus even dares to take one step to you, I will get the White Oak Stake and kill him."

Lucy giggles and shakes her head in amusement. "Sure." She kissed his cheek, before they left the house with others.

Downstairs, Bonnie and Finn were in the living room with all the kids.

"Why are you all not ready? Are you guys not coming?" Bonnie asked with a confused expression.

"Yeah, we have that thing going on. So..." Kim began, not making eye contact with Bonnie. 

"What thing?" Finn asked with a suspicious expression.

"WE ARE HELPING LAURA WITH HER FIRST CRUSH!" Cory blurted out, causing all her sibling to look at her with wide eyes while Laura looked dumbfounded by the whole reply, as she had no crush. All of the siblings had plans to go out to Caleb's party. 

Bonnie and Finn shared a gasp. "Who, where, when?!" Bonnie asked, wanting in on the news. 

"Is it a boy or a girl? Do them go to SBS? What faction are they part of?" Finn asked rapidly at a fast pace. "What's their address? Do them even have an address? Do they smoke or do drugs?"

Laura felt like she was being hit with a brick wall of questions. She glared at Cory, who looked at her with a sorry expression. 'Sorry for sacrificing you, Laura!' 

'Whatever.' She turned to Finn and Bonnie. "I don't have a crush. People at school think I am a total bore, just because I don't want pre-marital sex."

"Oh, honey." Bonnie hugged her and kissed her head. "You are not a bore, we all know that you are waiting for a person who loves you and your secret self."

"Just like me." Finn said with his arms folded with a proud smile. Everyone smiled at him. "So, what is the thing you all have?"

"Oh, you two." Dahlia began as she walked into the room. "They want to keep the dear old me, Esther, and Mikael company. Don't you?" Dahlia secretly winked at the kids, causing them to smile wide, nodding them heads.

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 (𝐊𝐨𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now