|31| - First Born

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Lucy sat on the bed, and saw Kol coming in. 

"How are you now?"

"Good. It's okay now... Don't you want to know?"

"I do. But only when you want to tell me."

Lucy smiled and said, "come. Sit with me." She patted the bed.  

He sat beside her and she began to tell him about her past.

"After being banished from Heaven, I spent a lot of years looking after demons. God created many 'monsters'. One of them was Avon. Avon was not just any demon. He was The Greater Demon. Meaning he was the strongest out of all demon. His hunger for blood was greater. That's how God made him. He didn't want to feed off of human... So, I took him in and trained him. Soon, we fell in love."

"After two years of being together, I was pregnant. When God found out about our love, he killed Avon. As a demon, he can't come to Hell or Heaven after death. So, he was got completely... I held on because of my baby. In hopes that at least the symbol of our love would come into to this world and stay with me. After I gave birth to a baby girl, I was over the moon about it. I named her Lavonn. She had blonde hair like me, and had green eyes like her father... She was beautiful." 

Lucy smiled at the thought of her first born. Kol smiled seeing her smile.

Her smiled dropped, as she said, "he killed her..."

She pursued her lips to say something, but paused. "That pain will never heal. Revenge doesn't make that pain fade or provide me with satisfaction. It's kind of like... Feeling hollow. You breath, speak, move, and everything... But you feel empty. You lose your smile, laugh, shine in your eyes... The worst time of my life."

Kol wrapped his arm around her to comfort her, and kissed her forehead.


Mikael and Dahlia sat together in the living room. They were worried about Lucy, after hearing what happened.

"Our poor girl lost her first born..." Mikael spoke, breaking the silence.

Dahlia hummed. "I don't know what it's like to lose a first born or- or child, at all. But I know it's hard. I took Freya from Esther, in hopes of getting her back. I thought her motherly instinct would lead her to me... I don't know how much she loved Freya, but it's definitely not more than the love she had for you, Mikael."

Mikael sighed. "If she loved me that much, she would know, that I love my Freya. If she loved me that much, she would have never cheated on me and created that abomination."

Dahlia looked at him with sympathy. "But you love her a lot... Seeing that you still love her, even after knowing what she did to you."

"Hmmm." Mikael hummed in response.

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 (𝐊𝐨𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now