Still, Percy locked himself in the guest room. As soon as he was alone, unable to hear anyone else near him, that suffocating fear came back. He investigated his arms, where small bruises had begun to form in the shape of the talons that thing had. His hands shook as he grabbed a sweater from his bag.

Run away, little hero. He felt sick to his stomach as thunder clapped overhead. Thunder just like his dream. Who was out to get him? First, Mrs. Dodds. Now, a strange dream with a strange voice telling him to look away. He put his hands over his face, trying to lock his nightmares into his head. They wouldn't come true. They were just nightmares.

Sally knocked on the door and Percy jolted. "You've been in there a while. You okay?"

"Y-yeah," Percy stuttered out. "Just kinda cold."

"I have a fire out here," Sally said as Sen's shower turned off. How long was I in here? "Come warm up, Percy."

Percy put on a pair of warm socks and unlocked the door. At the same time, Sen got out of the shower, steam pouring out from the whole bathroom as she dried off her long hair.

Percy squinted. "Are you boiling yourself alive?"

Sen seemed to notice all the steam. "It's cleansing."

"Cleansing? Cleansing your aura, or the skin off your bones?"

Sen rolled her eyes. "Must you judge everything?"

"Yes. Why are you wearing Christmas pajama pants if it's June?"

"It is never too early for holiday spirit," Sen said, sticking out her leg to flash her reindeer pajama pants. Percy snorted and followed her out to the living room. They sat together in front of a furnace with a small fire in it, pillows and blankets scattered around them. Despite being so close, Percy still felt freezing.

Sen glanced into the kitchen and turned to Percy. "Did you tell your mom?"

He shook his head. "Not... really. Do you think I should?"

Sen turned her attention to the fire. "Something.... something happened." Gently, she described her weird dream, and her communications from Gordo the Golden.

Percy frowned. "I noticed him glowing when he left."

"Like glowing," Sen nodded, her voice quiet. "You saw it, too."

"Well, yeah. I wondered how such a fatty could move so fast, too." He bit his lip and leaned in closer. "I um... I had a dream, too."

Sen frowned. "What? When?"

"Just now, in the car," Percy said before describing it to her.

Sen looked away. "You said like... like an asthmatic old man?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah. He sounded like he'd just woken up, and he was not happy about it. Did your guy sound like that?"

"No," Sen said. "My guy was serious, but his voice was pretty light and steady. He didn't sound like a grumpy old man. I mean, he sounded like he was maybe twenty-five. Really young." She pulled her blanket tighter around herself and turned to Percy, her brown eyes reflecting the glow of the fire. "I think you should tell your mom."

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