Chapter 1

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I quickly set up the table to Alpha's liking and placed the food on the table. I made sure everything in the room was clean and in its place. I heard footsteps coming and I stood in a corner and looked down at the floor. Three sets of feet passed me and Alpha and his family sat down. They started eating and I didn't dare look up or make a sound. The rules I had to follow were absurd. Only I had to follow them.

Rule #2 and # 4 -dont speak without permission and dont look at the Alpha unless given permission.

I hated the rules and there were so many. The only rule I broke was reading. I was told not to read but when no one was around I would sneak into the library and read as mych as I could. I was never caught and I woyld also read Alpha's daughter's school books while I cleaned her room. She was as dumb as a rock and she was supposed to be next alpha.

"Girl. Come here." Alpha said. I walked over to him and kept my head down. I stayed silent but could feel the luna and their daughter staring at me. "The food is cold. Why?" Alpha asked. I didnt know how to answer that. The food was warm when I put it out and they started eating while it was still warm. I had to think of something. "Answer me girl!" Alpha growled.

I opened my mouth to say something but what. I cant say they let it get cold cause they took to long to eat. I felt a sting on my cheek and realised he slapped me. I stayed quiet and he slapped me again. "Answer me!" He growled.

"I dont know." I said. I held back my tears and sniffles. All he ever wants is to see me cry when he beats me. I never give him that enjoyment. He pulled my hair and up the stairs. I held back my cries and he threw me into my room. He closed the door behind him while I was laying on the ground. I attempted to get up but Alpha kicked me in the stomach which made me fall back down.

"Im sorry. It wont happen again." I said. He kicked me again but I didnt make a sound. Breathing became hard to do right now but I kept myself together. I had to. He pulled me up by my hair and forced me to look at him.

"Remember this slut. You are nothing but trash. You useless and pathetic. If I ask you something, you answer. Understood?" He said. My one hand was trying to get my hair free from his grip. He grasped my meck and breathing was almost imposible. "Am I understood?!" Alpha growled. Finding it hard to speak I nodded my head. He dropped me to the ground and left the room. I gasped for air and the tears ran down my cheeks.

This was torture. How can a guy like him be Alpha? I crawled over to my dusty old mattress and curled into a ball. I tried to ignore the pain and just rest. I let a few tears slip and silently cried. The door opened and I looked to see the Luna. I immediately looked down. "Come with me." She said. I stood up trying to ignore the pain.

I silently followed her to her office. She sat behind her desk and gestured for me sit. I took a seat but kept my head down. "When I furst got here you were a baby. Luke never told me your name. What is it cause I refuse to call you girl." Luna said.

My name. Something that I never knew. I never knew what my name was and I hated it. "I dont know my name. Alpha forbid me from knowing." I said. Luna sighed. She rummged through a few files on her desk and gave me a folder.

"Take it. I know you can read." She said. I eyes grew wide in shock. I took the folder and opened it. The first thing I saw was a picture of me. I looked at the information and saw my name. My last name was unknown though. I saw my age, gender, every detail about me. "I'll ask again. What is your name?" Luna asked.

I put down the folder and took a deep breath. "My name is Elara." I said. I glanced up and saw Luna smile.

"Good to know. Your going to do something for me okay." She said. I nodded my head and went silent. "Your gonna keep this file. There going to be a meeting with five other Alpha's in two days. Two of them are looking for their mate. If one of them happen to be yours, your gonna go with him." She said.

I instinctively looked at her with confusion. She smiled at my expression. "Your helping me. Why?" I asked. She looked a bit nervous before she spoke.

"One of those unmated Alpha's happened to be Alpha Cain." She said. Alpha Cain was the strongest and ruthless and merciless Alpha known to wolf kind. The only time he shows any emotion or compassion is to his family and members of his pack. If I was his mate and he found out how Alpha treats me, it could be war. "If his your mate I ask of you to try and convince him to spare us. If not then I can helo you get out with the other Alpha." Luna said. I could see she was nervous.

There was a bit of fear in her eyes too. I took the folder and stood up. Luna stood too and looked me in the eye. Do I want to helo if things go that way? Should I try and protect the people that abused and mistreated me for twenty years? I felt like I finally had a bit of power over Luna. "I'll think about it. I cant guarantee anything." I spoke homestly. She gestured for me to leave and I quickly made my way back to my room.

I hid the file in the mattress and looked around what I am supposed to call my room. It was dirty and my clothes had holes in them. They were baggy and I smell like I crawled out of a dumpster. If I had a small chance of getting out of this hell hole, I would take it without a second thought.

I just hope one of the Alphas were my mate.

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