Chapter 32

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"Stop It, Dad!"

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"Stop It, Dad!"

Namjoon's deep dark voice said stopping his father's actions who looked at him in confusion and cut the call. "Why are you stopping me, Namjoon"

Jungkook's face lit up. Yes, my Jooni will save me, he is too much in love with me to let me go.

But before a smile can curve on Jungkook's lips it immediately fell after hearing the next word.

"Imprisoning him won't be enough for his arrogant self"  there is no warmth in Namjoon's voice.

Namjoon slowly walks towards Jungkook's shocking figure who was still on the floor. Namjoon crouched down on his level and looked at him with his empty eyes. Dark cloud engulfed him.

"You say you can't live without us still you were about to merry me off with you sister so your father's company doesn't collapse" a chuckle left his mouth. "I'll destroy that company and make you all beg on the streets"

Jungkook's eyes widen. Even Mr.Jeon flinched from the words but no words came out of his mouth.

This time Taehyung walk towards him and looked down at him like he is a disgusting worm "you're very proud and arrogant about your painting career aren't you? I will destroy that career and your pride too and from now on not a single painting of yours will allow to be auctioned"

"And if you think this will be the end then you didn't know us yet" This time it was Jimin who came from behind and stand with Taehyung. "After they are done with you, I'll make you rot in jail"

Jungkook felt another presence on his right. Min Yoongi crouch down on his level with a maniac expression "and you better watch your back inside the jail. Who knows what can happen to you there"

He felt goosebumps rising on his body after hearing the threats. SeokJin came forward and sit exactly facing Jungkook making him cowered away more "till now you have played with us now it's our turn my lovely Jungkook"

Jungkook yelp when he felt cold liquid poured down on his head and he looked up to see Hoseok pouring champagne on him. He then threw the glass that made a loud cracking voice making Jungkook flinch "you have seen our love so far now you will see our hate"

Cecily grin and left the place with a victory's smile on her faces. Finally she did it, she destroyed him, and very soon he will be ruined.

"Please Dad, Mom, I'm so sorry. Please talk to me" Jungkook plead to his parents after they entered their home. Mr. Jeon face Jungkook and landed a hard slap on his face making Jungkook's face jerk on right.

Jungkook touched his burning skin and looked at his father with hurt eyes "I wish I had slapped you the very first time when you made a mistake. I wish I tough you a lesson every time you did wrong"

"Da-Dad, I'm sorry" Jungkook pucker his lips and start crying like a kid first time getting scolded by their parents.

Eun left the place running upstairs inside her room and Mr.Jeon run behind her.

"You are such a disappointment and disgrace Jungkook. I wish I only had Eun, I wish you died the day you born" Sung said the harsh  words that piercing through Jungkook. Even though Sung was feeling the stung himself by saying such words to his precious son who he always pampered but  he words came out despite it. He was more than disappoint. He was hurt. Jungkook utterly wounded his father badly today.

"How can you say this" Jungkook said with so much hurt that he felt weak on his lags.

Before Sung could scold him more Yammi's screams reached them from upstairs. The both male run upstairs to see and their eyes widen.

Yammi was trying to take the knife away from Eun's hand. Mr.Jeon immediately run towards them and took the knife away from Eun who then sit on the floor with loud cries.

Jungkook's heart squeezing at the sight of his sister's broken figure. She was about to take her life and it's all his fault. Reality hit him like a truck and he realised how much damage he caused.

Jungkook's mother looks at him with red eyes and clutch his arms in a tight grip "See Jungkook, what have you done to your sister. The sister who always loved you. The same sister despite being the younger who always protect you from us, from others. The sister who always craved love from you. Instead of protecting him like a big brother you become her worst enemy and the reason of  trying to take her own life . SHAME ON YOU"

Jungkook froze from the worlds. I became her worst enemy. She tried to ki-kill herself. She tried to kill herself. She tried to kill herself

The words played like a broken record and Jungkook with absent mind left the room. His mind was blank and the only image was playing how his mother was fighting to take the knife away.

What have I done!

Jungkook was so absent minded on his thoughts that he didn't realise when he stepped on the stairs and his lag twisted. He fell from the stairs with a loud yelp and rolled down the stairs.

His body cracked with every hit and he touch the floor with a painful groan. Before he started to feel dizzy. And the last thought came on his mind before closing his eyes was....

Is that how Hana felt when I pushed her from the stairs?


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