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"You know when a kid shoots up a school and they go to interview the parents, and they're all like "we had no idea, he seemed like totally normal". And then everyone watching is like you're a fucking idiot? Thats how I feel, but with Cassie" Maddy explains to Michelle and Kat.

The three girls were out having breakfast together, gathering their thoughts on Cassie's backstabbing ways being exposed.

"Honestly, I never trusted her" Kat reveals.

Maddy and Michelle share a look of surprise. "Why?" They both question.

Kat shrugs as she sipped on her orange juice. "She literally seems like the type of person who would fuck your boyfriend"

Michelle thought about it. Cassie had never given her a reason to think she couldn't trust her. She had always felt that Cassie was a girls girl at the end of the day. Exes being off limits seemed like a given.

"I just never thought she'd go this low" Michelle says, "But honestly, I think I never felt worried about Nate going for her when we were together, so that's also kind of surprising too given that he talked major shit about her"

"I don't know. There's just something about her" Kat says.

"I made the mistake of trusting her" Maddy mutters.

"Y'know, this explains why she was so fucking weird about the New Year's situation" Michelle says.

"Rue did say it was after New Years when she saw them" Kat points out.

Michelle shakes her head in disapproval, "She's so fucking grimy"

"Do you think she wanted Nate this entire time?" Maddy asks, looking up at the girls intently. "Like this was some sort of plan of hers?"

"She's definitely sneaky but I don't think she's thaaat calculated" Kat says.

"Nate definitely hooked up with her out of spite. He's the calculated one in this situation" Michelle states, "He fucks one of our best friends knowing it'll hurt us, and doesn't even care that he's also fucked over one of his own best friends in the process"

Michelle knew in her gut that this was all some sick and twisted game to Nate. Cassie was just a pawn.

He always did stuff like this when they were broken up. He finds a way to hurt her, usually using someone else, in hopes that she'll get so upset and give him the reaction he wants.

However, in this situation, she wasn't so sure who he was trying to hurt. Her? Maddy? Or both?

"I think I actually want to murder her" Maddy announces.

"Totally understandable way to feel" Kat says, reassuringly.

"No, like actually plan a murder and carry it out" Maddy reiterates, her tone serious.

Kat and Michelle share a quick glance of concern for their friend. Although, they trusted she was only exaggerating.

"Like a grisly murder" Maddy continues. "One that shocks the nation"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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