. Chapter 19.

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Roman's POV:

I find this place amazing. I look over to see Virgil's reaction and he's in awe.

His face is relaxed and his mouth is slightly open, and I notice he has a small gap between his two front teeth. His eyes though... although they're a gray color and typically don't shine, he has hints of purple (well lilac purple to be exact) that are shining brightly. His face is kinda.. cute..? No. No. That can't be, I mean we're becoming friends actually. Something that I'd never seen in a million years, especially if you asked me just a couple weeks ago. This development is kinda nice actually, it's nice to not have to argue with someone 24/7.

Anyways we slowly walk through the garden and take in everything around us. The sweet smell of flowers is lingering in the air. Virgil seems to be loving it, stopping every couple steps to look at flowers. Shockingly he knows a lot about flowers, he's telling me all about them. Like where they originated, what flower it is, where you can find them, whether bees like them more or not. It's a lot of information I didn't know he had, but I like listening to him talk. I don't know why, but his voice is so soothing in the calming environment that it feels like nothing could go wrong.

We walk around more, our bodies slowly leaning into each other the more we walk. We eventually becom in sync with our walking, same pace same foot. Our fingers brush each other as we're walking and we find a sign that points to either the maze or more flowers and plants. We decided to do the maze at the end and go to look at more plants. I'm better with plants than actually flowers, and Virgil's good with flowers.
I don't know when it happened, but we're holding each other's fingers, not quite hands but fingers. Yet it feels right, not awkward or anything.

We're looking around when Virgil stops suddenly, I look at him confused, thinking something's wrong. His face is lit up and he looks excited, so I follow his gaze and see little white flowers that are kinda bell shaped. Virgil grabs my hand and carefully speeds over to them, carefully going around a couple old people. We get to the plant and he gasps, seeming amazed by it. I'm not quite sure what plant it is, so I ask him, still holding his hand.

"What's this plant then?" I ask him, not knowing what it is.

"It's a lily of the valley, my favorite flower. It blooms around spring and it has a sweet scent. I love the little bell shape of them and I love white flowers. It's native in the Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe. Don't touch it though, I read that it can cause skin irritation. It's also highly poisonous if you eat it, but I hope you won't eat flowers" Virgil ranted, looking at it excitedly and giving me a smirk at the end.

"I'm not gonna eat any flowers, especially not here, I promise" I tell Virgil half jokingly, because I really don't plan on eating flowers.

Virgil gets out his phone with his one open hand and takes a couple pictures, while still holding my hand. I watch as he sends them to his moms, telling them how excited he is that he found one. He's got a smile on his face, which quickly faded when someone spoke. We turned around to see who spoke.

"Look at those boys, they're holding hands, you know boys don't usually do that, right?" An elderly woman said behind us, looking at her husband.

"If they're one of those gay kids, that's disgusting. I don't know what happened to the younger generation, they're a lost cause" The elderly man said to his wife, while glancing at me and Virgil.

"Why are they even here? This place is about plants and flowers and such" The elderly women said while giving dirty looks to us.

I felt Virgil's hand squeeze mine harder, and I squeezed back. He was obviously starting to get really nervous with people talking about us. I don't really care, but I do care if my parents find out. The couple seems a little old to be talking to my parents though, so I should be fine. On the other hand, Virgil does not seem fine. I can tell his breathing is picking up and he's shrinking in on himself, and the couple is still talking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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