.Chapter 7.

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Virgil POV:
(At lunch)

"Ok. Do you guys wanna know what happened this morning??" Janus said, his face was a little pink. Which is a little unusual

"Sure" We all said. Now we're curious about what happened

"Patton asked me on a date!!" Janus said, with probably the biggest smile I've ever seen from him. His face got a bit brighter too, that explains it.

"Wait- really!?" Alecia said

"Was it from" Olivia started

"This morning" Olissa answered

"Yep!" Janus said, still pretty bright

"That's awesome!" I say

"Yeah! Hey, isn't he good friends with Logan?" Remus asked, I wonder why he wants to know about Logan

"Yeah, why? Do you like himm?~" Janus teased

"Ooo~ Somebody has a crush~" We all teased at Remus

"W-what? N-no. Not at all! I was just... curious.. that's all!!" Remus said, but he sounded suspicious

"You always say you like nerds. So I wouldn't be surprised" I say. Remus has always liked nerds. He likes that they're smart, but that they would also probably be interested in dissecting a frog. Or looking at animal organs, and Remus likes that stuff. Not because he's a nerd, just because he's weird.

"Oh shut up! And go f*ck yourself" Remus said in return

"Go get Logan and then I'll shut up!" I say

"Ooo~" Olissa and Olivia say

"I'll get Logan eventually!!-" Remus said, but immediately stopped

"I dare you to go talk to him" Alecia said

"WE ALL dare you to go talk to him" Janus said

"If you don't you're a coward then" I say

"We triple dog dare you" Olissa started

"To go talk to him" Olivia finished

"Jesus!! Fine!! I'll do it!" Remus said then went off to find Logan. He's only 2 tables away, so we watch Remus attempt to talk to him. We can all tell that Remus's face is probably red. Logan invites Remus to sit down and Remus does. Janus decides to go find Patton, who's at the same table as Logan. We watch as Remus talks to Logan, and Janus talks to Patton. Before we know it the bell is ringing, signalling lunch is over. We get up and start walking to class when Remus runs up to us. Janus stayed behind to walk with Patton.

"Oh my god!! Logan gave me his number!!" Remus said, his face is pretty red

"Wait really?!!" Me and Alecia said

"Yeah!! I told him that I wasn't the best at school and that I'm already confused about all of it, so he offered to tutor me after school!! So he gave me his number!!" Remus said excitedly, fanning his face while his face is red.

"That's" Olivia started

"Impressive" Olissa finished

"And quite smart actually. You got a guy's number, you like him. Boom. You did it" Alecia said

"Are you guys doing tutoring today after school?" I ask

"Yep! He said it starts today, and that his parents wouldn't mind it. Mine probably don't care. And I got his address!!" Remus said.

"Nice!" I say

"See you guys later!" Alecia said

"Bye!" The rest of us said

6th hour comes around and I'm not happy.

"Hello children, I got some information that I wasn't able to tell you about yesterday, but we will be doing this all semester. Even the theater kids will have to" Mrs. Hemsworth. She seems like a good teacher, but I swear all she's delivered is bad news. All I've heard theater and choir this. And theater and choir that. I just wanted to sing better. NOT GET STUCK WITH ROMAN AN ENTIRE SEMESTER! But whatever. Life happens. And it sucks.

"Today we're not going down because we are going to learn music! Everyone go grab a binder" Mrs. Hemsworth said. YES! I'm so happy we don't have to go down to the theater today. We all grab our binders and just go over the music and such. It went by kinda quick. School's over so I drove Alecia and the twins home. Logan drove Remus to his house. And Janus went home, since their date wasn't until later. I get home and I'm immediately told to take out the trash and do a bunch of chores.

"Why couldn't you do it while I was gone? It's not that hard to put dishes in a dishwater" I say.

"It's not our house. It's not our place. You live here so take care of it" Aunt Margaret said

"You're gonna be here for over a month. You could at least help a little" I say. I grab the grabage and take it out. I do the dishes.

"Here" Christine said

"What?" I say

"Here's mine too" Jenny said

"What do you want me to do with it?" I say. I look at the two baskets of laundry they put in front of me.

"Do the laundry?" Christine says, she rolls her eyes at me

"What else would you do with laundry?" Jennys says, and she also rolls her eyes at me.

"You could've at least put it in the laundry room" I say, then drag the baskets to the laundry room. I'm doing laundry tomorrow, since that's when my clothes will need to be washed.

A few hours pass and it's about dinner time.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" I ask them. I honestly don't care what we eat.

"What about steak and garlic mashed potatoes?" Aunt Margaret asked

"Umm-" I start. But I get cut off.

"That sounds good" Jenny says

"That sounds really good" Christine says

"Do you guys know where we can order it?" I say. Do they really expect me to be able to cook that?

"Oh, well at our house our chef can cook that. And it's really good, and our favorite" Aunt Margaret said

"Oh, well I ain't no chef. And I certainly don't have one. Be right back" I say then go to my room. I'm gonna search for a restaurant that has good steak and mashed potatoes. I find a good restaurant that's not too far away. I go out to the living room to tell them.

"I found a good restaurant. Who's drivin" I ask. I don't know if they wanna take their fancy ass car or my car.

"You have a car right? You can drive right?" Jenny asks

"Yeah?" I say

"Well then your driving. Duh." Christine says.

"You're car? My car is old." I say. I just don't wanna take my car, they'll criticize it and tell me it's old and gross. I don't wanna deal with it. Plus my car is dirty.

"Yeah yeah. You can take my car. Let's go" Aunt Margaret says

"WAIT! I NEED TO DO MY MAKEUP!" Christine yells, then runs off to her room. A few minutes pass and she done

I drive to the restaurant and we eat. It was a nice restaurant, and the food was good. I drive home, and go to my room and wait for everyone to fall asleep. Once I know they're asleep I grab the keys and sneak out to the garage and unlock it. I go in the garage and look at the instruments and microphone. I test they microphone and it still works. The garage is sound proof so we can practice our band and no one can hear us. I check everything and they still work. I head back in the house and lock the garage. I grab some cookies and head back to my room. I eat the cookies, turn the lights off, I turn on my star projector, and decide to go to bed. And yes I have a star projector. I watch the stars move until I fall asleep.

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