.Chapter 17.

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Virgil's POV:

I wake up to a noise. I can't comprehend what it is at first. All I hear is something. I'm waiting for it stop. Eventually it stops for a second, then starts again. I get frustrated by this and finally open my eyes to see my phone going off. It's a call. Why would someone call me this earl- oh. I look at the clock to see it says 12:30 on a Sunday. I'm surprised I hadn't been woken up earlier, I would've expected that from my aunt and cousins. I sit up and pick up the phone and amswer it without even looking at who was calling me.

"Hello?" I say in a groggy voice.

"Hey! What took you so long to answer?" I realize it's Roman that called me. I groan a bit because I would very much had like to sleep longer.

"Justwokeup.." I mumble into the phone then yawn.

"What? You sound like you just woke up" Roman said, obviously not understanding what I said.

"I did" I say then rub my eyes to try to wake up more.

"Oh. Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. I know we were hanging out yesterday but I wanna hang again today. Plus I have to drop off Remus again because he left something at Logan's house" Roman told me somewhat fast. At least faster than what my brain can comprehend right now. I stay silent for a minute processing what he said before I speak.

"Uh, I mean. Yeah. Sure. I just woke up though, what time? And where?" I ask, finally waking up.

"Um well I'm dropping Remus off at the park because Logan is gonna be there and Remus wants to hang out with him. Even though I don't think he should.." Roman mumbled the last part but I heard it. Why wouldn't he want Remus and Logan hanging out together? It doesn't really make sense.

"..So how about the park at 2:00pm?" Roman finished which takes me out of my thoughts.

"2? As in like.." I look at the clock and it's about 12:40. "2 hours almost 1 hour?" I finish saying.

"Yeah, that's when I'm dropping Remus off" Roman says then yawns. I'm surprised he's even yawning, he sounds so awake.

"Oh.. I- I guess. I'll try to make it" I tell him, panicking inside.

"Alright great! See ya then!" Roman says and hangs up. I just stare at my phone for a minute trying to comprehend everything. I didn't even have a chance to say bye.

I realize that no one has barged into my room yet. Which is weird. Then I remember how silent it was

It finally clicks in my head that I have like 2 hours to get ready.

I jump up and rush to grab decent clothes, instead of my usual tired messy looking outfits. I mean, it's my style that makes me look messy. What if Roman doesn't like my style. Scratch that, why should I care? He doesn't even like me anyways. My anxiety is already boosted up, I don't need to add more to it. Once I'm dressed, I brush my teeth and hair. I do my makeup, which puts me at about 1:13. Now I have less than an hour. I'm mostly ready actually.

I've also just now realized that the house is quiet, and peaceful. Which, normally, would be fine if I had no one over. Except my aunt and cousins are here. They're definitely not this quiet. Great. Now my anxiety is even higher. I hate them so much, I would be HAPPY at their FUNERAL. My mean, bratty aunt raised bratty, mean, spoiled girls.

I creep out of my room slowly and quietly, in case of anything. The house looks messy, like they were getting ready and never cleaned up. Which isn't surprising, but usually by now I'd be getting yelled at to clean. I shut and lock my door, then check it two or three more times. I check their rooms, nothing. Well, there's clothes and makeup everywhere but still, no people in there. I walk into the living room and kitchen, and sure it's messy, but still no one. I'm a bit concerned about where they are and what they're doing. I'm not worried or anything, I don't care about THEM. I'm worried and care about what's happening, and the fact I don't know makes me nervous. I walk into the kitchen and see pancake batter and flour everywhere, and it makes me want to die inside. It seems like they attempted to make pancakes, but they probably ended up going out to eat. It's going to be a lot of fun cleaning, totally not a lot of overwhelming work. I try to look for any notes or clues, but still nothing. I decide to check the front door for anything and sure enough, there's a note. It reads:

'Going out clean up we will de home whenevever not till later tho like nght -the gurls'

That's what the note said. I can tell it was them, bad handwriting, misspelled words, and the 'b' looking like a 'd'. They never worried about academic stuff because "they're ladies, they don't need to know academics". It makes me mad because it's not the past, not the 1800s or anything. But whatever, it's their future, not mine.

So now that I know the mystery, I check the time. And holy shit it's already 1:36. I didn't think it took me that long. Now I'm debating whether I should start cleaning or not. I have a bit of time, especially since it's only a couple minute drive to the park. I decide that I'm just gonna throw away the trash stuff, and clean up the messier stuff later. They won't be home until later anyways, and I shouldn't be out for very long, which gives me enough time.

I throw away and pick up all the garbage. After that I check the time, only to realize it's actually 1:53. So I panic, grab my keys, make sure the house is locked like 4 times, and dart to my car. I get in and basically zoom out of my driveway. Now I'm going to be a little late, all because of my aunt and cousins (and my so-smart choices).

I ended up getting to the park at around 2:03. I felt bad because Roman had to wait 3 minutes, but then again it was only 3 minutes. Roman's standing outside the car, and I don't see Remus anywhere. So either he got picked up already or he's in the car. We don't let Remus out of the car if we know we have to wait, because it's dangerous to let a wild Remus out and about while waiting. Because waiting means boredom, being bored means Remus gets creative, Remus getting creative 99.999% of the time means chaos. I park and walk up to Roman.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I had to clean up a bit and it took me a while" I explain to Roman. He seems to understand and, thankfully, isn't mad.

"That's alright. It took us a bit to get here too. We've actually only been here about 5 minutes. Logan isn't here either. So you're good" Roman was telling me, well more rambling but still.

"Oh ok. Where's Remus? In the car I'm assuming?" I ask Roman.

"Yeah. It's best that he doesn't get out. Actually for more than one reason" Roman said, which slightly confused me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, wondering what this other reason is, other than him being more than likely to start chaos.

"Oh yeah. He didn't tell you. I thought he called you" Roman looked at me. Now he looks confused.

"I don't think so... I must've been sleeping if he did" I get on my phone and look at my missed calls, and there actually is one from Remus.

"So did he?" Roman asked.

"Yeah, actually. It's weird I didn't get the notification. Or hear it go off. So what happened? Is he ok?" I ask Roman, now worried for Remus.

"Oh, well he's technically ok now" Roman said sorta suspiciously.

"What? What do you mean now? What happened?" I keep asking him, feeling my heart rate speed up.

"Hey, hey. Chill. I'll-" Roman started but I cut him off.

"Don't tell me to chill when you're acting and talking like that!" I snap at him a bit. I didn't really mean to, but I sort of did.

"Ok, ok. Sorry. So basically..." Roman apologized and started to tell me. My face was probably in shock most of the time.

Is This A Fairytale? Sander Sides Highschool+Human  AU (Mostly Prinxiety)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora