.Chapter 6.

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Virgil POV:
(Still the same night as last chapter)

I wake up around 2 am to the sound of knocking. I get up and start walking towards the door. I look through the peephole to see Aunt Margaret with cousin Jenny and Christine. I groan, roll my eyes, unlock the door, and open it

"Hello and welcome" I say

"What took you so long!!? We were out here for like 3 minutes!" My Aunt Margaret said, she's clearly pissed

"I'm sorry. I was asleep and heard you guys knocking, that's why I woke up" I say, I'm still tired and don't have time for this

"Well you shouldn't have fallen asleep then! Duh!" Jenny said. She's annoying.

"I'll show you guys where you're staying, come inside" I offered

"Ummm. Grab all our stuff. We'll be inside." Christine said, then her and Jenny start giggling. I sigh and grab their stuff and show them their room

"So those are your rooms, you know where everything is. Need anything else?" I say, I gotta get up at 5am

"Get us a drink. Anything that seems fancy" My Aunt Margaret said

"Oh wait- you don't have anything!" Jenny and Christine say in unison. They both start laughing

"Sparkling lemonade then?" I say. They quiet down and look at me

"What brand?" Jenny asks

"Probably that off-brand stuff-" Christine says but I cut her off

"It's the brand Glowing. I only drink sparkling lemonade from their brand. There's about 4 cases" I say, their faces are in complete shock

"B-but each case is about $30. So you're saying you spent around $120 on sparkling lemonade?" Christine said, she's still shocked

"Well yeah, Mama and mom bought most of it. I gave them about $40 though. I'm trying to save money so I only have them 40" I say plainly, but their eyes widen as I speak

"Oh... Wow..." Aunt Margaret said

"Be right back" I say then head off to the kitchen. I go bck andhand them their lemonades. I go to bed and wake up around 5am. I get ready for school. I lock my room and lock the garage since that's where our band stuff is. As I put my shoes on Aunt Margaret comes out of her room.

"What are you doing?" She said

"Getting ready for school. I'm gonna leave the front door unlocked since you guys are here. There's an extra key for the front door on the counter" I say as I finish putting my shoes on.

"Oh. You go to.. those dirty, disgusting, oublic schools? My girls are homeschooled." Aunt Margaret said, she looks proud

"Ok. Cool. I'm leaving now. Food is in the fridge. Don't eat it all. Same with the pantry. If some of the doors are locked, mama and mom said I could lock them so don't try getting into them" I say with a serious face. I stare at her waiting for an answer.

"Whatever." She said

"Bye." I say then head out the door. I get in my car and make sure I have all the keys. I do. Good. I double checked the doors and they're locked. Ok. I need go pick up Alecia, The Twins, and Janus. I drive up to Alecia's house and she gets in the car. I pull up to the Twin's house and they get in the car. The Twins bought McDonald's for all of us so we park and eat food. I realize I have a text from Janus.

Snake Boi: I saw Patton! You know, the cute boy with the freckles and glasses? He offered to take me to school so I obviously agreed! So you don't need to pick me up.

Me: Ok! And isn't Patton from Roman's friend group?

Snake Boi: yeah, but he's really sweet! He said that he doesn't even like that Roman can be so mean sometimes. But oh well. Gotta go! Bye!

Me: k, bye! Have fun lol

Wow. I think Janus might have a crush on Patton. I mean, he's liked him simce like, middle school so that would make sense.

"I'm not picking up Janus, he texted me saying that Patton was taking him to school" I tell the others

"Oooooo. He's got a crush~" Olissa says

"Ditto twin" Olivia says

"Cool. So what about Remus? Is he walking or??" Alecia said, holding out the "or"

"Nope. Roman has a car and so Roman is gonna drive both him and Remus to school. Their parents said Roman had to and they didn't want Remus walking in the morning" I say

"Ohhh ok. So off to school then?" Alecia says

"Yep. Buckle up and let's go" I say. And drive off to school

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