.Chapter 15.

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Virgil's POV:

When we were at the beach and I realized what time it was, I panicked. It was 8:00pm and I was supposed to be home earlier. Aunt Margaret wanted me to cook dinner and do dishes, laundry, and clean the house a bit. So when I realized how late it was, I realized I was going to be in a lot of trouble. Normally if it was just my moms they'd be a bit disappointed but understand and not be mad, they'd just make sure I do the work I was supposed to. But, since it's my Aunt Margaret and my cousins Jenny and Christine, it's different.

I yelled the time and went to stand up but Roman just pulled me back down and told me to calm down. I sat back down but fidgeted with my fingers and was still nervous. About a minute later I couldn't stand it and got up.

"Where you going?" Roman asked me, sounding a bit... hurt? No, I don't think that's right. Maybe? I don't know anymore.

"I have to start packing up. Y'know, my anxiety won't really let me sit down anyways" I told him

"Oh ok! Let me help" Roman said as he stood up.

Roman helped me pack up and then proceeded to tell Remus they should start packing up. Remus procrastinated but Logan said he should help, so Remus did help. I looked over and saw Patton and Janus paddling back on the big floatie, and to be honest, they looked a little ridiculous. Yet they looked cute together at the same time, I think they're actually meant for each other. I was done packing everything up and already had everything in the car when Janus and Patton finally made it back. We said our goodbyes and I got in the car and headed home.

I was dreading getting home, especially with how late it was. They were not gonna be happy, and I didn't wanna hear yelling at all, well I never do but sometimes it's more bearable than other times. I think another big thing is I don't really feel like having my mood ruined.

If I'm being honest, I actually had a REALLY good time earlier. I mean, Patton and Janus were happy, Remus was very obviously crushing on Logan, Roman was shirtless and talking to me. I mean what?? No no, ignore that. It was just an overall nice time being with friends and their partners + friends. It's kinda hard to tell what Logan's emotions are or how he's feeling, but I've picked up that that's just how he is. Roman seemed to have had a good time. Patton obviously had a great time. Though I don't think me almost drowning or whatever happend earlier was a mood booster. It definitely scared Patton and I feel bad for it. It was supposed to be a fun day, not for me to almost drown and scare the life out of everybody. But everyone eventually was in a better mood.

As I pulled in the driveway I could feel my heart beat speed up and my breathing quicken. I'm really dreading walking in, I think I'd almost rather be homeless right now. Actually no Virgil, don't think that, maybe it won't be too bad. That hope quickly faded as I walked through the door.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BACK SO LATE!? WHERE WERE YOU!?" Aunt Margaret screamed at me as soon as I shut the door.

"I-I told you. I was at th-the beach" I quickly stammered out.


"Well then that's your fault" I quietly mumbled, but I think she might've heard.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" Aunt Margaret continued to yell at me.

"N-nothing- what all do you need me to do still?.." I asked her, wanting to get whatever she wanted done and out of the way so I could unload my car and go to my room.

"WELL, I need you to start and unload the dishwasher, do our laundry, and make sure everything is clean" She yelled the first part, then lowered it to a normal tone, which still felt too loud for my ringing ears. I think she said do chores. And clean. What could they have possibly done to make me check if everything is clean?

"Your laundry? I feel like I just did it" I replied with. My family and I aren't the type of people that do laundry every. single. day. We do it every couple days when we start running out of clean clothes, and it saves money.

"Yes laundry. We need clean clothes and our favorite dresses are in there. SO HURRY UP" Aunt Margaret yelled the end, which threw a burst of adrenaline and anxiety through ny body.

I turned around rushed to get their dirty clothes. I knocked on each door, which both Jenny and Christine yelled at me for even trying to go in their room. I told them I needed their clothes, then they huffed with a smile on their face while handing their clothes to me. I ran to the room where my Aunt Margaret was staying then my room and grabbed all the clothes then ran to the laundry room. I put the laundry in and slid down the washer to catch my breath. I was running around and my anxiety had spiked up a bit from Aunt Margaret yelling.

I then got up and went to the kitchen to unload the dishwasher. When I opened it it was a mess. Things weren't in the right order, they looked like they were just thrown in. And there were so many dishes it was ridiculous, like how would they have made and used that many dishes? I unloaded the dishwasher and put everything away and looked in the sink. I want to cry. There were still dirty dishes in the sink, and they looked like they were covered in peanut butter. Peanut butter is the one thing that I absolutely hate cleaning, my moms know that, so they'll always clean it for me because they know I hate it. But now I'm stuck cleaning it myself. After cleaning it and almost puking a couple times I put everything in the dishwasher and started it.

I make sure my hands are clean and then look around the house for anything that needs to be cleaned. There was surprisingly, and luckily, nothing to be cleaned. So I go out to my car and start unloading everything and bringing it all inside and putting the stuff in my room. I then change into pajamas and collapse on my bed. My door is locked and I'm exhausted, but I can't quite sleep yet.

I don't know why or how I got the courage to but I texted Roman. He answered. We ended up spending most of the night texting. Let's just say I had a peaceful night and slept calmly without waking up that night.

Is This A Fairytale? Sander Sides Highschool+Human  AU (Mostly Prinxiety)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें