.Chapter 5.

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Virgil POV:
(It's the same day/night as the last chapter, but Virgil's POV)

I dropped off all my friends and went to my room to lay down. I just sit there scrolling through TikTok. I get a text from Mama.

Mama💗: Hey Virgey, your Aunt and cousins are gonna stay over for about 2 months.

Virgil: wait- why!? Is everything ok?

Mama💗: Your mom and I have a business trip. We're coming back tonight to say bye and pack. We'll be home in about 2 hours. We're bringing food so you don't have to cook anything lol

Virgil: Are you guys going out of the country?

Mama💗: Yes sadly, we're at the store right now grabbing some stuff. Want anything?

Virgil: Can I get some M&Ms? Also we need popcorn, milk, juice, and ranch. And some more sparkling lemonade please!

Mama💗: Ok baby! Gotta continue shopping before your mom yells at me lol. I love you!

Virgil: Love you too! And thank you!

Mama💗: no problem!

I shut off my phone. I can't believe mom and mama are gonna be gone for 2 months!! I don't even which Aunt and cousins are coming over. I hope it's Aunt Jersey, but she doesn't have any kids. And I've got 2 other single Aunts with kids. I hope it's not Aunt Margaret with Jenny and Christine. Eh, I decide to have a snack and head up to my room. It's about 4 :00 so they'll be home around 6:00 or 7:00. I'll make mom and mama a little gift to take with them. I finish making the gift and it's about 6:00. They'll be home soon. I'm gonna go practice the vocals for our song. I hear mom and mama open the door. I rush out of the garage to see them.

"Do you guys need help?" I ask them

"Yeah there's still 3 bags in the trunk, if you could get them that would be awesome" Mom asked me with a sweet smile.

"Ok! Got it" I say then go get the bags

"Here" I put the bags down "Do you need help putting anything a-"

"Nope! We got it. Here's your M&Ms Virge. We'll do some house work before we leave our baby boy for 2 months!" My mom says, she cups my face with her hands

"I'm not a baby mom" I can feel that my face is a little red

"I'm done with the cupboards, I'm gonna go pack" my mama said

"Ok" me and my mom said in unison. We look at each other and start laughing. My mama also starts laughing

"Oh my... I love you guys" my mama said, walking into the other room

"Love you too mama!" I say

"Love you babe!" My mom says

"I'm gonna go help your mama pack ok? There is 2 cases of sparkling lemonade in the fridge for you" my mom said

"Ok! And thanks mom" I say, then hug her

"No problem sweetheart!" She hugs me back, then goes into the other room.

"OH YEAH! THERE'S SUBWAY SANDWICHES IN THE FRIDGE FOR YOU!" My mama yells from the other room.

"OK! THANKS!" I yell back.

I grab my sandwich and head back to my room. I sit in bed and eat my sandwich. I think about what both of my moms said. They said that I look a lot like my mama. My mama has dark brown hair, almost black, and her hair is curly. She also has grey eyes, with hints of lilac purple swirling in them. Though her skin is a bit darker than mine. But whoever my father is has lighter skin like me, so yeah. My moms said that if I ever wanna meet my bio father, it was ok. But I never cared enough. My mom has ginger, wavy hair. Her eyes are a lilac purple. And she has lighter skin. People say I look like a literal combination of them, and I kinda do.

Time passes and my mom are about to leave

"I love you Virgil" my mama says, and she kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you too mama" I respond

"I love you Virgey!" My mom says, and she also kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you too mom" I say. We do a group hug. They're getting ready to grab their stuff and walk out the door when I ask them a question

"WAIT! I have 2 questions" I say

"Yes Virge?" My mama says

"Well- one isn't really a question. Hold on a sec!" I say then run to my room and grab the gifts. I run back out to them.

"Here you go!" I hand them the little gifts. It's 2 little heart keychains, one has a picture of me and mom, the other one has a picture of me and mama.

"Awww Virgil!! It's so sweet! Thank you!" My mama said

"Aww Virgey! It's so cute! Thank you!" My mom said

"Group hug?" My mama said

I nod then then we do a group hug.

"I have a question.." I say

"Oh yeah- yes Virgil?" My mama said

"Which aunt and cousins are coming over?" I ask

"Oh.... You're not gonna be very happy... And neither are we, but it's- it's..." My mama starts but she looks kinda, guilty

"It's your Aunt Margaret with Jenny and Christine sadly..." My mom says, not looking at me. Both my moms look regretful

"W-what!? B-but mom! Mama! They're not even nice! They're rude and spoiled!!" I say, I'm panicking a bit now.

"Virgey I'm sorry ok!! Our family literally refused to let us just get a babysitter. We were forced to!!" My mom said. Aunt Margaret is from mom's side of the family

"I-It's ok. Could you try to come back sooner though? I really don't like them..." I say, I'm panicking now.

"I know, I know" My mama said, she gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I love you" Then mama hugged me

"Love you too Mama" I hugged her back, I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

"We gotta go now, sorry bub" My mom said, she gave me a kiss on the cheek, hughed me, and walked out to the car

"Yesh.... Sorry about that. I love you. Gotta go, bye baby" My mama said. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. I instantly broke into tears. Mama held me in her arms. After a few minutes Mama wipes my tears and kisses me on both cheeks. I hug her goodbye then she walks out the door. I watch them leave through the window. They pull out the driveway and they're gone.

I head to the kitchen and grab a sparkling lemonade from the fridge. I walk to my room, I can feel the tears streaming down my face. It's only the 2nd time they've left me for a business trip. Last time I was 6 and I had a babysitter right away, and she was nice. I shut my door, turn on my tv, then turn off my lights, and crawl into bed. I lay under 2 blankets and a bunch of pillows. I just remembered that the 2 guest rooms are set up. I decide I wanted an original Disney movie. I decide on Cinderella and fall asleep once the movie is over....

Is This A Fairytale? Sander Sides Highschool+Human  AU (Mostly Prinxiety)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz