.Chapter 2.

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Virgil POV:
Class basically flew by. Next thing I knew it was time for lunch. I put my stuff in my locker and head to lunch. I see Remus, Janus, Alecia standing near the door. I turn around and see the twins coming my way. I flip them off, stick my tongue out at them,!turn around and start walking towards the others. Olivia and Olissa run past me, flip me off, and stick their tongues out at me. I run with them and we collide into Remus, Janus, and Alecia. We all fall to the ground and start laughing.

"Why are you still out here!" a teacher asked us.

"S-sorry!-" We all said in unison. We look at each other and burst out laughing again. We hear the teacher start laughing, not a fake laugh, an actual genuine laugh.

"Ok! Ok! We all need to calm down, and get into the lunchroom. I need lunch too!" The teacher said while laughing.

"Ok!" We all calm down, all of us are still giggling a bit, and walk into the lunchroom. It was a LOT bigger than the middle school. I stop in my tracks and suddenly I stop giggling. A pretty big wave of anxiety hit me. My friends look at me, with concern on their face. They have all stopped giggling too.

"Hey, I know it's a bigger cafeteria, but you'll get used to it eventually" he said with his hand on my shoulder. "You guys still have like 4 years here" he squeezed my shoulder, smiled at me, and then walked away. I let out a big sigh.

"Well, let's just find a table and get lunch" I said.

"Sounds good to me" Alecia said. We all head to the lunch line and get our food.

"Ugh. Nowhere to sit" Olivia said

"Agree. Twin." Olissa said

"I think we all agree with you" Janus said

"Well, we NEED to find somewhere to sit. My sexy legs need to sit, they're getting tired" Remus said

"Let's just find somewhere. I'm starting to get a little anxious" I said. I could feel the anxious energy going through my body, and I did not like it.

"Hmmm. What about over there?" Alecia pointed to a table in the corner, a little dirty, but no one was sitting there. The problem is it's near Roman.

"Ummmm, Al. Not to be rude but" Olivia said, you could tell that it was a little rude, but not trying to be rude.

"That table is right next to Roman and his friends" Olissa said, the same tone of voice as Olivia's.

"Yeah, and that's"

"Not what we want. At all" The twins finish each other's sentences. But that was normal.

"Well, where else are we gonna sit?" Alecia said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Alec has a point, there's nowhere else to sit. And I would love to sit down right now." Remus said, caressing his leg with one hand, the other hand holding his tray.

"Remus. I swear to god if you drop your tray I will backhand you. Right here, in front of everybody" Janus said, holding his hand up to smack Remus.

"Ok ok. I won't. Jeez." Remus said

"Whatever. I don't care right now. Let's just sit down." I said, I've completely given up. I just wanna sit down and eat.

We sit down and eat. We talk about songs for the band, whether or not we should do a cover version of a song or attempt to make our own. We can't decide, so we'll just try both. A cover version of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift for if we take too long to make our own song. Plus it won't take too long to make a cover version anyways. It would just be a little entertainment for our fans, even though we don't have many. And then we talk about random stuff. The twins talking about clothing and shoe sales. Alecia talking about some girl she likes, I'm pretty sure her name is Coco. Remus was talking about some outfits he has, mostly ripped clothes, crop tops, fishnet tights and gloves, etc. Janus telling us we should get matching tattoos. And I complained about my first hour with Roman and the teacher. Lunch and recess finished, for recess we just sat and talked about all that stuff.

My classes go by quickly, my 6th hour is choir. Since Alecia and I are the main singers in our band. The teacher is talking to us about this marking period and blah blah blah. Then she (the teacher) said something that completely shocked us...

(Alecia's name is pronounced: Uh-lee-shee-uh)
(So Alec is pronounced: Uh-leesh, for her nickname)

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