.Chapter 18.

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Virgil's POV:

"Ok, ok. Sorry. So basically Remus spent the night at Logan's. This morning, Remus left Logan's house and decided to walk home instead of someone driving him. While Remus was walking, he found an abandoned skateboard. Not questioning or knowing why it was abandoned, he decided to take it. He skating around on it when it hit a rock. Remus wobbled off balance a bit but didn't quite fall over. He thought he was in the clear, until he realized that a piece broke off and he was stuck. It was dangerous to get off, even to jump off, because of how fast he was going. So Remus, not being in control, somehow ends up in a skate park. He goes in one of those things, skates all the way around, manages to do a flip, LANDS THE DANG FLIP, and skate to the edge. Which leads to him going up in the air, falling backwards, and the skateboard landed on him. Remus swears he heard his bones crack. It was only one leg though, since he fell sideways. His other leg is slightly bruised. He landed weirdly, like he sat on one leg, because his sides are fine. Some other guys were there and called an ambulance for him. So yeah, that's what happened" Roman tells me all at once. I'm in shock while listening to this story, because it surprises me, but doesn't at the same time. I knew Remus was bound to get hurt by something like this, I just didn't think so soon.

"I.. wow... Is he ok now then?" I ask, wondering how he was even let out of the hospital.

"Yeah, he's got small minor bruises on his arms but he says he's fine" Roman said and studied my face a bit before adding, "and they let him out of the hospital early because Remus didn't wanna stay in there and he threatened chaos if they made him stay, so they just put his cast on, gave him crutches, and let him go. They gave him some medication, but we have to pick up the rest from the pharmacy tonight. Well mother and father do" Roman finished.

"Oh wow. I still can't believe he actually broke his leg. And how he managed to only break one leg, too. With the way he landed I would've thought he at least broke something else" I talked, still in disbelief.

"Well, wanna see it for yourself? He's in the car" Roman pointed out, which my dumb brain forgot Remus was in the car for a second.

"Yeah, I'm gonna talk to Remus" I tell him, before going and opening Remus's car door, which threw him off guard.

"Oh hey Virge. Ya like my new cast?" Remus asks me, basically beaming.

"Heck yeah, you letting people sign it?" I ask Remus.

"Of course. Here, I got a marker. Get in the car and sign it" Remus tells me what to do with a smile and shuts his door

So obviously I go to the other side and get in, and shut the door. I sign Remus's cast, adding a message that says:

'You're a dumbass - Virge⭐'

Roman's POV:

Remus and Virgil were in the car for a while, they were so loud sometimes I could even hear them laughing. Eventually Logan pulled up and apologized for being late, saying that basically every light he ran into was red. We got Remus and Virgil's attention, Remus had Logan sign his cast, and then they left. Which left me and Virgil, alone now. I wanted us to hang out separately, but for some reason it's always awkward. Him and Remus were getting along and joking around perfectly fine minutes ago, but now it just feels weird. It makes me nervous, which usually when I hang out with people I never feel this way.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask Virgil.

"I mean I don't really care, you can pick" Virgil said.

"Well what if we go to that garden place? It has the maze, that could be fun" I tell him, I've been wanting to go for a while and now this is the perfect opportunity.

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