A Christmas Miracle Pt.2

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You were still enveloping each other in an embrace. Not wanting to break the hug, but eventually Izuku pulled away gently. He let out a small sniffle, and rubbed his eyes with the back of his sleeve, looking away in embarassement. You shook your head and smiled, placing your hand onto his cheek, moving his sleeve away and wiping away the small tear tracks with your thumb. You leaned forward and placed your forehead against his.

"I've been waiting for this moment, for so long," Izuku choked out, still not looking your in the eye, his cheeks a deep scarlet, "I was so scared. What if you said no? What if I made things awkward between us? What if I lost you-?"

"But I didn't," You replied, pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Things will change between us, but we'll get through it. And you will never. Never. Never lose me, Izuku. Never."

A small smile finally crossed Izuku's lips as he brought his eyes up to face yours, 

"Never?" He whispered, still scared.

"Never." You insisted, before pulling him into a hug, resting one hand on his fluffy green hair, and another on his back, "Never ever."

He let out a little chuckle into your shoulder, before grabbing your hand, "You wanna go find something to eat?"

"Sure! As long as your paying!" You grinned, giving him a playful shove.


You continued walking down the crowded streets, hand in hand, looking around you at the sparkling lights, reflecting off the cobbled streets, making the town look like it was floating in an ocean of stars. A loud toll came from the nearby church. You looked up at the its clock, realising it was quarter past eleven already.

"Izuku, look!" You gasped as the first firework lit up the sky. He smiled, eyes focused entirely on you.

"I know," He said, "It really is beautiful."

More and more fireworks were released into the sky, popping and fizzing and exploding into myriads of blues and greens and golds.

You turned to Izuku, grinning widely, making him look away with blushing embarrassment, only to feel your touch as you cupped his chin in your hands and gave him a kiss.

"I love you Izuku Midorya." You sighed, your expression soft, "I always will."

"Promise?" He asked, smiling again, quirking a mischevious eyebrow.

"Always." You giggled. An idea popped into your head. You ran forward without 

warning, spreading your arms wide concentrating on the dark snow clouds above you. A cascade of fresh snow began to pour from the heavens. Cries of surprise and joy emitted from the people around you. You laughed, spinning around watching the snow fall on stalls and rooves, as you halted in the centre of the market. You were brought to a halt as you slammed into someone behind you. You turned, only to see it was Izuku, holding his hand out to you.

When you stopped spinning, you almost fell over you were so dizzy. Thankfully, Izuku was there to prop you up with a hand around your waist, which you definetly weren't complaining about. He then lead you towards a stall selling soba and cheap ramen.

"Two bowls of Soba please!" Deku asked, smiling warmly.. The man at the stall nodded cheerily and set to work.

You found yourself leaning your head against Deku's shoulder. The joyful atmosphere surrounding you was filled with the festive spirit that only the holiday season could bring. The smell of roasted chestnuts and freshly baked gingerbread filled the air, adding to the magical ambiance of the market. Your worries melted away with every passing moment.

Deku's presence beside you offered comfort and safety, making you feel as if nothing else in the world mattered at that very moment. Unbeknownst to you, Todoroki sat two seats away, observing the scene before him. A bunch of Soba noodles half way to his mouth as you and Deku share an intimate moment together.

You shifted slightly on Izuku's shoulder, your gaze drifting towards the shining lights hanging from the nearby stalls. The twinkling lights seemed to dance along with the hum of the crowd, adding an ethereal glow to the scene. You turned your head to glance at Deku, finding solace in his earnest green eyes, a shared understanding passing between you.

The sound of your names being called snapped You out of your thoughts, as your soba was finally ready.

"Merry Christmas!" The seller grinned as he handed over your food.

"Merry Christmas to you too!" You smiled, before sitting down again and digging into your meal.

The warmth of the meal helping to dispel the chill of the winter air. The first taste of the savoury broth filled their mouths, bringing a smile to your faces for a moment. You leaned back in your seat, looking once again at the clock in the market.

'23:47' You thought to yourself, noticing Izuku snake his arm around your waist was, so you wouldn't fall. When you sat straight again, you smiled at Deku, giving him a silent thanks.The two of you looked back up at the sky, watching as the snowflakes fell towards you. A silence came across the two of you. A peaceful silence. You felt no need to talk, just sitting next to each other was enough, just feeling his hand on your waist was enough. Just resting your head on his shoulder, was enough.

"This," Deku said, breaking the silence, "This is a Christmas I'll never forget."

"Me neither," You laughed, shifting closer to him.

"I love you, Y/N." He smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

The two of you finished your piping hot bowls of Soba at the bustling Christmas market. The aroma of the delicious noodles still lingered in the air as you sat there, surveying the twinkling lights and joyful laughter that filled the atmosphere. You looked into each other's eyes, caught in a moment of serene enchantment.

As you continued to stroll through the festive streets, Your hand tightly intertwined with Deku's, you gasped in awe at the giant Christmas tree standing before the two of you. The lights sparking like tiny fairies against the night sky. Small children ran around it, hanging up ornaments with cries of laughter. You could help but watch the joyous little scene before you, the sound of carollers' voices reaching your ears. This felt like Christmas. There was no other way to describe it. Truly, truly Christmas.

You were brought out of your trance by a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see your green bean boyfriend, holding a pair of ornaments, one red and one (f/c). You beamed and ran towards the Christmas tree, dragging Izuku along with you, hanging the ornaments up together, sparking next to each other.

Next, the two of you stumbled upon a small stage where local musicians were performing festive melodies. The crowd swayed to the rhythm you and Deku felt an overwhelming desire to join in. As you twirled and swirled, snow radiated off you and throughout the crowd. Your love for one another was not only evident in you shared dance but also in the way they effortlessly incorporated your own individual styles.

"That was so much fun!" Deku panted,

"I know!" You laughed.

You swayed with each other to the music. A slow tune playing around you.

"Merry Christmas, Izuku." You whispered softly.

Merry Christmas everyone. <3

❀❤️✿𝓜𝓗𝓐 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼!✿❤️❀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon