🖤Dabi Headcannons💙

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Hot burnt bacon boi <333

Disclaimer: Not all the headcannons are my own, some I found Pinterest and thought were adorable <3! So if you see a headcannon you recognise that's probably why :D!


- Neck kisses <3

- Secretly the most overprotective guy you could literally ever meet <3

- Loves Mario Kart, has broken many a controller upon losing to Shigaraki.

- Surprisingly gentle with you when alone.

- Loves to make you flustered.

- Long walks together at night <3

- Likes to stare at you when you're not looking

- Insecure about his scars, thinking he's not good enough for you <3

- Tries to hide his smile around you.

- Gets embarrassed when you flirt with him in front of the other villains

- Freezes up when you initiate PDA, literal brain error.

- Random check up visits when he's been busy with villain work for a while.

- Nicknames for you: N/n (Nickname); Doll; babe

- Nicknames for him: Burnt Bacon; Babe; Handsome (he loves this one because he doesn't think he is XD)

- Loves to watch horror movies

- Gets mad when other people touch you

- Steals your stuff to annoy you

If you have any Dabi requests plz comment them down here <3! As said in the description I will not be doing any Smut/Lemon (sorry :D).

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