Dear Katsuki Pt.3

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Hellooo loveliessss <3333

Just wanted to let ya know that in this oneshot Italics:

Like this

is Y/N or Bakugo's writing to each other. while bold italics:

Like this

Is Y/N's own thoughts.

Hope you enjoy the story and have a wonderful day!

Love y'all!! <3333

Hey you :)

How was breakfast? Your friend still annoying you?

Your leg bounced against your table. Two months. Two months where you, for once, was actually happy. A smile painted across your face as the sunlight shone across the cafeteria of your high school. The concrete floor still covered in manky squished fries and bird poop, much like the roof in actuality, which used to be shimmering glass that was so clear it looked like crystal. Now, it looked more like what you imagined a pigeon bombing would be like. Light barely made its way through the layers of gunk. You looked up at it.

'Hmmm. If only Overhal could fall into that gunk and drown, everything would be ten times better.'


You snapped back to reality to see Macy sliding into the seat next to you, her ginger hair wilder than ever. She peered over your arms, taking a look at the notebook.

"Macy!" You cried, shoving her away from the notebook and slamming the cover shut.

Macy giggled, trying to grab it from your hand, "Come on! What does it say? Did he say anything new?"

You blushed, again, you still hadn't asked the mysterious person on the other side of the book who he was. Why you ask?



If you were going to be honest...

You were absolutely, utterly, falling from a tall building while being chased by a heat sensing atomic bomb terrified. You didn't want to know. Because what if they weren't Katsuki? What if they were someone else? You didn't want to know the answer to those questions. Ever really. You were quite happy talking and teasing this person, more than you had been in a very long time.

"No!" You grumbled, holding the book to your chest, lowering your voice, "I just asked how his morning went."

Macy grinned evilly, wiggling her eyebrows like tiny feral catapillars, "So you were talking earlier?"

You blushed and hit her arm with the book, "Shut up! Don't gimme that look!"

Macy slapped your arm, "How am I NOT supposed to give you THAT look?" She waved her arms around like jelly worms, "YOU HAVE A MAGIC BOOK BOYFRIEND!"

You laughed, fiddling with your pencil, looking at your lap, trying to avoid the staring eyes of your classmates. You heard the snickers, the laughing, the gossip starting up behind your back,

"Macy! Shh!" You whispered, noticing your notebook light up again, "We don't need everyone else to know! It may not even be Katsuki on the other side of this!"

Macy rolled her eyes, but grinned and hopped closer to you along the seat. She pouted and gave you a side eye, glancing down to the notebook and then back up to you, "Soo, are ya gonna open it?"

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