Dreamer Pt.3

117 6 33

Requested by star_krewbies! <3

You sped towards the four pointer, your heart pounding in your chest as you slammed a metal pole into its head as you dived underneath it.

"Hey!" An offended cry came from behind you, "I was gonna go for that one!"

You grinned and turned around to see Kaminari, bent over, hands on his knees. You were certainly speeding ahead from him. Sometimes the levitation side of your quirk came in subconsciously if you had enough of a need to get somewhere.

"First come, first serve Sparky." You smirked, walking down to Kaminari, leaning down to meet his face, "I found it first. You just gotta beat me to it next time."

Denki sighed before he let out a chuckle, he looked up to you a flirtatious smirk of his own plastered across his face, "Well, why don't we make this a competition. Just the two of us, hm?"

His face was barely two centimetres away from yours, a mischievious twinkle in his eyes. You felt your face heat up, but also, an idea forming in your mind. You stood back up, restraining a grin as Kaminari pouted, and placed a finger on your chin, stroking your imaginary beard for extra drama.

"Hm." You thought, eyes closed, furrowing your eyebrows, "You'd have to keep your distance. As I may have mentioned earlier, your quirk can nullify mine

A clanking sound came to your right. Metal on metal. Gears and sparking electricity. Another robot. The thudding of debris came from nearby, You estimated it to be around fifteen feet (4.572 metres/0.00284091 miles) away from you.

"Alright, Kaminari." You smiled, "Game on!"

You opened your eyes, charging towards the training bot. To spot Kaminari already speeding ahead of you. He turned his head back and grinned.

"Try and keep up, beautiful!" He grinned back at you, his golden hair framing his face like lightning bolts.

"You cheated!" You cried. Not that you hadn't had the exact same idea a few seconds before.

"I don't think we ever established the rules of the competition, beautiful!" Kaminari replied, saluting you before using his electric charge to fly up towards the robot.

You groaned, you still couldn't read his thoughts, and if you had been able to; you would have been able to tell when he was leaving! You rolled your eyes in annoyance; but on the bright side, you finally reached the robot. It towered over you, red eye watching as you ran towards him. Once you got close enough, you jumped, creating a galaxy way below your feet. A move which you called, creatively, a double jump manouver. You double jumped to the left, using your levitation to jump up higher, and use your telekenisis to rip a piece of a street light and fly into your hands to use as a battle staff. You turned back. Prepared to strike straight through the bot's chest and its central power source.


You were frozen. Your limbs, unable to move. Each time you tried, your limbs would just judder in place where they were frozen. Your hair raised on its ends as electricity crackled in the air. Your mind was silent. Not only couldn't you hear anyone else's thoughts. You couldn't even hear your own. Electricity paralysis. Full electricity paralysis. This had only ever happened once before. When you first discovered your quirk weakness; and this weakness meant... your levitation and your galaxy ways stopped working.

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