Dear Katsuki Pt.4

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Requested by NomiTheSimp

'Hey, random question. Where do you live exactly?'

You smiled down at the page, a shard of sunshine piercing its pages, revealing to all your message. You were curious after all. Dropping a few cautious questions to see if it really, truly was Katsuki on the other side of the book. You were dying to know. You had to see. You had to know. Your fear was strong within you. Each time you picked up your pen to write the question, your red string tug and your heart squeezed inside you.

You had to know. It was your only chance. Maybe, just maybe, you could find a soulmate. Or at least, a friend who didn't judge you for your defection. You stared at your digital alarm clock on your bedside table and sighed.

"16:30. Only half an hour before Kara's true love arrives at her door." You grumbled out loud.

Kara. Your little sister. Or at least, the girl you shared your last name with. She had gained her soulmate string at the usual age: 14. However, unlike you, and much to your parents joy, she had found her soulmate only three months later. A true record breaker. A miracle child. The star of the family.Before she had gain her string, you couldn't care less that she got more attention from your parents, after all, that was just normal youngest child syndrome. However, the string, and the soulmate. That changed everything. Now you were stuck not only being the eldest sibling, but also the disappointment of the family. You hated it. You hated it so, so much. You wished you could prove to your family. To your mother, that you were worth just as much as anyone, with or without a soulmate. That you could make her proud.You squeezed your fists into tight balls, attempting to get rid of the rage and indignance before Kara's soulmate arrived. Even more, your little sister had once been your best friend, always trying to make you laugh, or bring your favourite plushie when you were crying. She was your support when your parents split up, and even more so when you realised that you had no soulmate. Her hugs and innocent smile were all that got you through the day. But the string, it made her overconfident, arrogant. You missed your sister, you loved her, but now a pool of resentment was forming deep in your heart. you wished it wasn't there, but with every ounce of your body you resented her still.

'Hey loser

I live in Japan. Anything else you wanna know detective weirdo?'

You chuckled at the response, and your heart skipped a small beat. He did live in Japan. He did. He really could be Katsuki. He really really could be. As your hope flickered into life within your chest, little did you notice your string, edging ever closer to your PC's black screen, lengthening itself as it moved. However, you were too focused on writing back to your Japanese friend.

'That's awesome! What's it like living there? Is the food as good as it looks? Also sorry I didn't ask these questions before, once I knew we both liked romance manga that's all we've talked about for a while. Other than anime and Metal Bands, of course.'

"Y/N!" Your mother called from downstairs, "Are you almost ready? Kara and Anderson are going to be here any minute!"

You cursed under your breath. Of course they were coming early. You glared at your bedroom door. All this ceremony for something that 99 percent of the population had. All because of your incapabilities. You picked up a pillow and hurled it at the door.

'Does it look like I care brat. But, its not a bad place to live. Weather is a ******* pain. The food is alright, spicy ramen at the restaurant down the street is the best place. Or at least, the most decent. Where do you live?'

You glanced at the reply, you didn't concentrate enough to read it properly. you grabbed your pen and scribbled a rushed response.

'I can't talk right now. My sister's bringing her 'soulmate' over for dinner-.'

"Y/N!" Your mom called from downstairs, her voice now cross. A tone you were far too used to at this point. It jumped you and your pen blotched on your message.

You shouted frustratedly and slammed the pen down onto your desk.

"I'm coming mom!" You shouted back aggressively, throwing your middle finger up at the door.

You rolled your eyes and slipped off your desk chair. You stared at your wardrobe, and then the mirror in your wardrobe door. You groaned. Your floppy neon yellow tracksuit trousers and stained Attack on Titan hoodie certainly weren't going to pass your mom's scrutiny for the dinner.

You grabbed your favourite fancy outfit and a hair brush, and got to work making yourself look presentable.

'You ok loser? What's with the splat?'


His eyes furrowed. You seemed perfectly fine. But...

"Yo, Bakubro. You alright?"

Kirishima was sitting on the couch across from Bakugo, his hair down around his face, legs hooked over the the side of the couch. His scarlet eyes now focused on his ash blonde friend.
Bakugo looked at the blotchy message. He didn't feel right. Your message didn't feel right. It didn't feel like you. He scowled. Your messages always felt warm, caring. Although, as he had gotten to know you, a hint of sadness slowly started to creep through your writing. Something was hurting you, he told himself he didn't care. 

Why would he care? You were just some stranger in another place that he talked to. Everyday. For at least two hours. Non stop...

"****!" he shouted, throwing the book against the wall of his dorm room. 

Heat crawled up his body. He felt his ears burn as he slammed his fist against the back of his chair.

"Woah! Bakubro, careful!" Kirishima cried, getting up to pick up the book.

He knew Bakugo had been writing to you. In fact, he had even helped him talk to you when Bakugo was too angry or confounded to talk. He smiled, thinking his friend was nervous.

However, his expression fell as he looked at your last response. He looked up, staring at Bakugo, who's eye contact evasion allowed for his bright red cheeks and pink ears to be exposed.

"Soulmate?" Kirishima spoke, "Bakugo.. That means."

"I know crappy hair," Bakugo replied, folding his arms, glancing down at the faded red string tied around his ring finger.

"They have soulmates in their world, too."

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