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Valentina, Cordelia and Violetta were walking down the halls in their slytherin robes on their way to their common room after just finishing their last lesson, Ancient Runes

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Valentina, Cordelia and Violetta were walking down the halls in their slytherin robes on their way to their common room after just finishing their last lesson, Ancient Runes.

Walking into the common room they found Mulciber, Avery, Rosier all laughing loudly while Severus was sending them glaring looks as he read his potions book in the corner of the room.

Avery had spotted the disapproving glares of Snape and decided to cause a scene.

"Oh sorry, are we bothering you?" Avery sneered, making Rosier, Mulciber and the girls all turn their attention towards them.

Severus simply looked up from his book and said, "quite"

Avery raised his eyebrows, "the why don't you stop being such a freak and come over here and join in?"

Valentina rolled her eyes as the girls took a seat, "Oh come on Avery, leave him to it, he's not hurting anyone" she said casually, taking her homework out of her bag. He didn't know of any of other others had actually noticed, but they had their NEWTS this year.

"If we wants to be weird and brooding he can go to the library and do that there. Not in the common room pulling faces at everyone who speaks" Valentina was not sure what had put Avery in such a poor mood, "oh and Valentina, don't you think you should call your future husband his proper name, his first name" he spat.

The group when silent, glancing between Avery and herself, shocked at the tone he'd used towards her.

Valentina had no emotion on her face and simply looked at him from her chair, her homework in her hand.

"If that's what you would prefer, Casper"

The group looked to each other once again, surprised at how civil Valentina's answer was. They had predicted a spiky and cold response.

Truth be told, Valentina just could not be bothered. It was easier to go along with it.

Severus Snape had also seemed to agree that it was easier to go along with it as she closed his book and joined the group.

"what's wrong with him?" Cordelia asked Rosier in a whisper, nodding to Avery

"Had a run in with Potter and Black earlier today. Black knew what buttons to push. He's been in a mood all day"

Valentina kept her face nonchalant.

"As I was going to say" Avery continued, "The Ravenclaw Gryffindor match is this evening and I was thinking we would should pay a visit. Create some havoc in the stands, try and get in the Gryffindor teams heads. It'll maybe throw them off before our upcoming match against them"

The boys excluding Severus Snape seemed very enthusiastic about the idea while Valentina, Cordelia and Violetta simply didn't care but figured they would be dragged along anyway.

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