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Valentina walked down the carriage of the Hogwarts express with Cordelia in front of her and Avery behind her, carrying her trunk

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Valentina walked down the carriage of the Hogwarts express with Cordelia in front of her and Avery behind her, carrying her trunk.

"Just place it there" she said as she reached the groups compartment while cordelia snickered.

She could hear the certain group of gryffindor boys from the other end of the carriage.

"Merlin do they ever shut up" Cordelia said, rolling her eyes and applying another layer of lipstick

"arrogant" Mulciber sneered, pulling out a chocolate frog and taking a bite, chewing with his eyes open

Valentina pulled a face of disgust.

She would be going home for the first time in the school year and spending the most time at home that she had ever been, since moving to England. Her parents and Brother had not written much so she was eager to see how everyone was and what progressions they had made.

If she was frank she could not wait to be away from her fellow slytherins. She hated their conversation and their company.

Valentina longed for some peace and quiet.

As the train pulled up to the station Valentina instantly spotted her mother stood next to Walburga Black. Both the women wore equally disgusted scowled.

She quickly realised that maybe this break wouldn't be the peaceful time away she had wanted.

"mother" she smiled, standing infront of her, hair perfect, back straight and head up.

"Valentina" She replied turning her nose up, "your hair dreadfully needs to be cut" she said nastily

She just nodded while her mother turned back to Walburga to finish their conversation.

Regulus had walked over and his mother had not even greeted him.

Valentina gave him a sympathetic smile.

Suddenly, both women ceased talking.

James Potter and his parents had just walked past them, followed by Sirius with his trunk.

Walburgas face looked absolutely disgusted, like the boy infront of her was not recognisable as her son.

"pay no notice" Oksana said to Walburga, "disgraceful, the lot of them. I feel terrible for sending Valentina here where she mingles with people like that. But needs must"

Valentina looked to Regulus whose pain was purely written across his face.

Valentina placed her shoes nearly next to her dresser, and folded her robe placing it onto a chair.
She wasn't sure if she was happy to be home just yet. It wasn't her home in her mind. She had only lived there for a few weeks before she had headed off to Hogwarts. Thinking of home, she thought of Bulgaria.

She was yet to find out whether she liked "home".

Her mother had sent up a house elf who was unpacking her trunk and putting away all her belongings.

"valentina" Oksana said walking into the bedroom, "The Blacks are hosting a dinner party tomorrow evening so I went shopping and have gotten you a new dress to wear, it is currently being tailored and it very beautiful so this is a warning to not mess it up tomorrow night" she warned

"I won't mother" Valentina smiled

Oksana nodded and left.

Valentina and her mother's relationship was hard to navigate.

Oksana dressed valentina up like a doll and Valentina would always play the part.
She liked to think the clothes, shoes, accessories her mother had gotten her was an expression of her love but Valentina knew at the back of her head it was for appearances merely.

Valentina loved her mother, it was clear to see through the way she would do anything for her, why she was so caught up on her perception and appearance of herself.

Perhaps her mother would approve? She never really did.

Valentina had quickly learned that the only way to make her mother happy was to do as she pleased.

laying in her bed she watched the candles flicker which were spread around her room. The only thought in her mind was that she needed to find whatever the object is.

She really needed to see Sirius when she got back, how else was she supposed to know all the secret passages and rooms in Hogwarts.

There was no one better to help her.

Or atleast Valentina told her that was the reason she needed Sirius' help. 

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