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October 31 1981

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October 31 1981

Valentina held Ivan in her arms as he slept soundly. The only sound was his little breaths and the crackle of the fire infront of them.

Valentina sat there as still as she could, trying not to wake him and was content with sitting with her own thoughts. She had gotten pretty good at sitting and just thinking. It was all she ever seemed to do.

The front door slammed and Valentina knew it was Casper, but she was confused. He never usually returned home until after dark. She glanced out the window to find that although the light was low, it was only dusk.

He took a seat beside her and sighed in content, draping an arm around her shoulders.

Valentina looked at him suspiciously, "How was your day?" she asked in intrigue

Casper smiled cheerily and Valentina didn't want to know what that meant.

"It was productive to say the least" he replied

"Oh? how so?" Valentina asked, stroking Ivan's hair absentmindedly

Casper waved her off, "In time you will come to know"

"come to know what, Casper?" she pried

He said no more on the matter.

Valentina wasn't too sure of why she felt so anxious for the rest of the evening. Casper had been in a particularly happy mood and even joined her in conversation in the parlour with a drink. He had mentioned that there will be significant rewards for their family after tonight, claiming he had a large part to play.

It only made Valentina feel worse.

She had never seen him so delighted. Caspers delight didn't come from buying new things or new opportunities or the happiness of others, but rather a selfish motive or Cruel turn of fate of another.

Valentina could see the excitement in his eyes when they argued. She could see it when he hit her, could see it when he had upset her.

It all delighted him.

And Valentina thought it was sick.

It disgusted her.

Valentina had placed Ivan to bed as the night continued on. The light outside dimmed and the view out the window was pitch black.

She had noticed that casper had become more and more fidgety and agitated. He kept checking the watch on his wrist and shuffling around.

Valentina, who was already very suspecting of something horrible happening, couldn't take it anymore.

"I can't take it anymore Casper!" she exclaimed, taking his hands begging him, "What is it, what's about to happen tonight?"

Casper looked to his watch again and seemed to think the time was right.

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