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It was still cold outside and the group of slytherins sat gathered around in the courtyard

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It was still cold outside and the group of slytherins sat gathered around in the courtyard.
Valentina pulled her robe around her, lifting her hair out and letting it fall down her back.

"How long do you this we have?" Avery asked, referring to the task they were given

"I doubt long" Cordelia replied, "i cannot imagine them having much patience on the matter"

"we need to start somewhere" said Rosier, "but where?"

Valentina didn't say much, she observed the others, trying to understand their thought processes and what their plans were. If she decide that they were onto the right idea she may have to intervene. She wanted whatever they were looking for first.

Her family would be so proud of her.

She stood up, brushing down her robes primly.

"where are you going?" Bulstrode asked

"To do some reading for transfiguration is all" Valentina replied pulling her bag onto her shoulder

Sitting down onto her bed, she sank into the mattress, pulling out the book from her bag she'd collected from the library a few nights before.

The Secrets Of The Darkest Arts

She was already half way through the book and hadn't come across anything that could of given her a single clue.

There was some awful contents in the book. From unforgivable curses to hexes to torture charms but nothing sparking an idea in the girls head about what she possibly had to do.

She repeated Bellatrix Blacks words "He seeks an object, something fit for royalty. It is hidden without the castle. Precious and delicate, powerful"

"An object fit for royalty" she whispered to herself "a throne?" she questioned, "a crown?"

It seemed probable the dark lord was after a crown or perhaps a throne.

The door to the dormitory opened, Valentina shoved the book under her bed sheets.

"It's time for transfiguration, i thought i'd make you aware" Cordelia said, standing at the edge of Valentina's bed, looking at her raising an eyebrow

Valentina nodded and followed her out of the door.

The pair came to the transfiguration classroom and took their usual seats.

Avery and Mulciber had taken to tormenting a couple of Hufflepuffs, levitating their quills and parchment into the air, just out of their reach.

"give it back!" A boy screeched, grasping for his belongings

Avery flicked his wand making it jolt higher every time the Hufflepuff boy got close to grasping his quill while Mulciber laughed so hard he nearly fell off his chair.

"shall we ask Dear Valentina here" Avery smiled, intently charming, but failing, to Valentina, "should we let him have his stuff back Karakroff?"

Valentina rolled her eyes, saying nothing. She didn't know the  boys blood status.

"this is all terribly childish" She finally replied, pulling out her own quills one by one and organising them on her desk

"indeed" agreed Cordelia who similarly did the same

"why don't we try something different then" Mulciber grinned evilly, "levicorpus!"

The Hufflepuff went flying up in the air, handing upside down, him thrashing around helplessly.

"Oi!, put him down!" came a voice that had just walked into the classroom, James potter had walked through the door, fist clenched

"or what?" Avery spat back

Valentina watched in amusement

"We'll curse all you bloody snakes you'll never be able to leave your pit again" Sirius spat seething, his arm outstretched and wand pointing at the group of Slytherins.

With this, all the Slytherins jumped to their feet, wands at the ready, pointing to James, Sirius, remus and Peter who had taken to hiding behind Remus' leg.

Valentina included had jumped to attention and had her wand pointing at James Potter.

"what in merlin's name is going on here!" Professor Mcgonagall screeched as she walked into the room, ready to teacher her class , "what on earth do you think you are doing! Detention! for the whole lot of you, and 10 points from each of your houses!"

The students sat back down in silence as Avery let the poor Hufflepuff boy down.

The duration of the lesson had unbearable tension

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